This page will help you solve problems while launching CAST MS.
You can launch CAST MS by following the below wizard:
For 8.3.x : Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3.x > Click on CAST Management Studio
You can also launch CAST MS by navigating to the corresponding installation folder and then launch CAST MS.
Online documentation : CAST - Management Studio Help > How To > Regular Audience > Launching the CAST Management Studio
For more information, refer to online documentation :
8.3.x: Install CAST AIP from setup
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
CSS | |
- CAST-MS can potentially not open due to some corruption in internal folders. To resolve, remove the directories - configurationCASTMS, Assertions and workspace - from the users %appdata% directory (default is C:\Users\<user id>\AppData\Roaming\CAST\CAST\8.3).
- If modifications to the CastGlobalSettings.ini have been made to CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH, then the directories should be removed from the directory defined for CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH.
- Select the section you are interested in:
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Can not set com castsoftware pmc DatabaseServer field to com castsoftware pmc LocalDatabase
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Failed to create log root folder
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Incorrect data consistency between databases
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Internal error occurred The application is closing
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Internal error occurred - The application is closing - The delivery folder is already set
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - Invalid CAST- MS schema
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - java io FileNotFoundException cast-msconnectionProfiles pmx Access is denied
- CAST Management Studio - Launching CAST MS - Fatal Error - ERROR column inplace does not exist
- If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with below relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce.
Relevant input
- Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock). Option to select : Export Logs, Export Configuration Files, Export CAST Database - Only the Management Database is required.
- Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots.
If you have migrated and then see a validation error, you can refer to the below page: CAST Management Studio - Views - Validation View - Error - Missing Name - Missing Extraction File