
This page will help you solve problems while launching CAST MS.

You can launch CAST MS by following the below wizard:

For 8.3.x : Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3.x > Click on CAST Management Studio

You can also launch CAST MS by navigating to the corresponding installation folder and then launch CAST MS.

Online documentation : CAST - Management Studio Help >  How To > Regular Audience > Launching the CAST Management Studio      

For more information, refer to online documentation :

8.3.x: Install CAST AIP from setup

*Observed in CAST AIP


*Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Action Plan
  1. CAST-MS can potentially not open due to some corruption in internal folders.  To resolve, remove the directories - configurationCASTMS, Assertions and workspace -  from the users %appdata% directory (default is C:\Users\<user id>\AppData\Roaming\CAST\CAST\8.3). 
    1. If modifications to the CastGlobalSettings.ini have been made to CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH, then the directories should be removed from the directory defined for CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH.
  2. Select the section you are interested in:
  3. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with below relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce.

Relevant input

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock). Option to select : Export Logs, Export Configuration Files, Export CAST Database - Only the Management Database is required. 
  2. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots.
Other Issues

If you have migrated and then see a validation error, you can refer to the below page: CAST Management Studio - Views - Validation View - Error - Missing Name - Missing Extraction File


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