
This section provides assistance when Super Admin is not accessible in Imaging.  The Super Admin user account may have been removed or is no longer active.

Imaging Version



  1. Please select the 'imaging' database and run the following:. For using this refer CAST Imaging System - Information - How to access Neo4j

    1. MATCH (r:Role {Name: 'Super Admin'})<-[:HAS_ROLE]-(k) RETURN k.Name, labels(k)
    2. MATCH (r:Role {Name: 'Super Admin'})<-[:HAS_ROLE]-(k:User)<-[:CONTAINS_USER]-(sm:SecurityMode) RETURN k.Name, sm.Name
  2. The first query returns the user name and role.  The second query returns the user name and type of access they are authorized for (such as 'LDAP')

  3. To remove the xxx Superadmin LDAP user and their config run the below query. It needs to be run via Neo4j browser in the 'imaging' database:

    1. MATCH (sm:SecurityMode {Type: 'ldap'})-[:CONTAINS_USER]->(u:User {Name: 'xxx'})-[:HAS_CONFIG]->(c:Config) DETACH DELETE u, c
  4. Now that the only Super admin on the Imaging instance is deleted, the next user who logs in will have the option to become Super admin.

  5. See the following for access information to neo4j:  CAST Imaging System - Database - Neo4j - Configuration and Access 
  6. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, please contact CAST Technical Support

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