This page helps you to troubleshoot issues when the label Technical debt itself is missing from the left hand panel on the dashboard.
Observed in CAST AIP
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
Observed on RDBMS
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Action Plan
- Select the section you are interested in -
If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed above then perfomr the below steps - check if the Technical Debt is supposed to be calculated for your application - Use the below page to calculate the Technical Debt manually -
SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on Metrics - How to calculate Technical Debt manually- If the queries are returning results still the dashboard does not show any data then please contact CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input:
- If the queries in the above page does not return any results then go to next step
- Check if the metric exists in the Assessment Model and it is active
Figure 1- If the metric exists and if it is active then please contact CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input
- If the metric exists and it is deactivated then. Check set the Active to True and perform consolidation of the snasphot to solve your problem.
- If the netric does not exist then please perform the below steps
- Perform component re-install on all the databases to get all the metrics on your Database
- Import Assessment model to get the metric on the Assessment model
- Generate snapshot by skipping analysis
- If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input:
For CAST Technical Support Only - This page will be followed - CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - How to identify and execute SQL query involved in data display
Relevant input
- CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options CAST Bases Checker, Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export Computer Environment, Export CAST Bases with Management Base, Knowledge Base, Central base
- Complete screenshot of the dashboard with URL and footer showing your problem
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