
This page troubleshoot the problem where there are missing links between Architecture checker layers while we can see from Enlighten that some objects contained in those layers are linked. For example as we can see in the below screenshot the objects "GetMessage", "Main" and "Program.cs" are linked

But the Layers "Program.cs" that contain the object "Program.cs",

"Main" that contain the object "Main"


"GetMessage" that contain the object "GetMessage"

are not linked from Architecture Checker:

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Create architecture model.
  2. Configure layer.
  3. Check model
Action Plan
  1. Check if a snapshot of your application is successfully generated. For that refer to CMS - Execute tab:

  2. If no snapshot was generated then:

    1. Run Compute a snapshot by skipping analysis

    2. Run Check the model

  3. Links are generated between the internal objects in the source layer and  objects matching the criteria in the destination layer, we need to check conditions on source and destination objects:

    1. For destination object, if the existing criteria of the layer doesn't include external objects then check if the object is external -  SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to check if objects are internal or external or generated from the application. 

      1. If the object is external then there  are two options, the first option is to Include external or generated objects to the layers, for this refer to the following official documentation ACH - Working with external objects, the second option is to create a tool after module generation in order to internalize the object.
    2. For source object check if it is internal -SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to check if objects are internal or external or generated from the application. 

      1. If the source object is external or generated then it's expected to not get the link, in order to get it ,you can create a tool after module generation in order to internalize the object.

      2. Else If the objects is  internal, Check if the object is part of any modules, for this you can refer to the following page SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Module - Module content and properties, or you can check directly if the objects are displayed in the Module content overview list, for this refer to the following official documentation CMS - User Defined Module editor.

          1. If the object is not part of any module, then check if the objects is configured to be part of one of the defined modules, for this refer to User Defined Module editor
            1. If the object is configured to be part of one of the defined modules then refer to CMS Application - Modules - Incorrect module content - Missing objects
            2. Else If the object is not configured to be part of one of the defined modules then
              1. Manage your module configuration in order to include them in one of the modules, for this refer to the following official page CMS - User Defined Module editor.
              2. Run Check the model
          2. Else If the object is part of a module then ensure that source and destination object are not belonging to several layers, for this refer to the following ACH - Check overlapping layers
            1. If the objects are belonging to several layers then
              1. Manage the layer configuration in which the objects will be unique to layers, for example if you create several layers with different configuration, and one of those layers is defined by the union content module, then this layer will contain all the objects configured in the other layers, in this case you should delete the layer defined by the union content module:
              2. Run Check the model.
            2. Else if the objects do not belong to several layers then contact CAST Technical Support, and provide the following  relevant input


 Ticket # 8555 # 12136
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