This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

Summary: This document provides information about changes and new features introduced in this release.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
42036Fixes an issue wherein the exception in swift file parsing caused partial results for full source.


Other Updates

Minor update to deactivate the Swift analyzer (logs) when Swift language is not active.

Performance Improvements

Application-level code enhancement to remove database queries inside loops and improve performance.
Upgrade internal application-level API to 1.6.13


Other Updates

Fixes a bug where Web Service urls were not correctly resolved when encapsulated in Structs.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32043Allow parsing of elements (class, enum, ...) with unconventional characters.

Other Updates

Added discoverer for Swift files - see
Linux compliant extension version
Thresholds for various Critical Rules have been updated to match the thresholds used by other CAST rules. See the details in the "Rules" section below.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1055000FALSEAvoid using unsecured cookie (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055004FALSEAvoid creating file without protection (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055006FALSEAvoid weak cryptographic hash (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055008FALSEAvoid weak encryption key size (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055012FALSEAvoid using deprecated SSL protocol (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055018FALSEAlways use LAContext canEvaluatePolicy before using evaluatePolicy (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055020FALSEAvoid using kSecAttrAccessibleAlways attribute when storing data in the Keychain (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055022FALSEUIApplicationDelegate applicationDidEnterBackground must delete sensitive data (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055036FALSEAvoid hard-coded passwords (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.
1055052FALSEAvoid Artifacts with too many parameters (Swift): custom thresholds changed to match thresholds used by other CAST rules.