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On this page:

Summary: This document provides information about changes and new features introduced in this release.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32043Error when analyzing (presumably) generated code containing unconventional characters for struct names.
31989Error when analyzing (presumably) generated code containing unconventional characters for struct names.

Other Updates

Make analyzer linux-compliant (for CARL).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28985Fix issue when parsing method with operator name "<>"
28972Fix parsing problem when header of function definition is split in multiple lines.



  • The rule "Avoid Too Many Copy Pasted Artifacts" (7156) is effectively applied to Swift code.
  • Removed cyclomatic complexity (and other related properties such as "Length of the longest line") from objects that do not directly contain statements. Only values for Swift Source Code,  Swift Function and Swift Method were correctly calculated before.



  • Corrected parsing of Key Path Expressions (new in Swift 5.2).
  • Added multiple bookmarks for better inspection of relevant string concatenations in rule "Avoid dynamic code injection in WKWebView" (1055046).
  • Filtered out extended methods from the counting of functions in the "DIT_MANY_FUNCTIONS_SWIFT" sql function (possible impact on "Avoid undocumented Functions (Swift)" 1055050).



  • Corrected runtime error in application level when missing storyboard/xib files.
  • Added new property (numberOfParametersto Swift functions and methods having at least one explicit parameter.
  • Extension methods (represented by Swift Function objects by design) are now marked by a new property isExtendedMethod (with value 1).

Bug Fixes

  • "Duplicated GUI" error fixed when present overloaded methods and similarly named methods with appended numbers.
  • Better resolution of recursive calls.

New Rules

The following rules, common to many technologies, have been added in this release: 

1055048Avoid Artifacts with High Cyclomatic Complexity (Swift)
1055050Avoid undocumented Functions (Swift)
1055052Avoid Artifacts with too many parameters (Swift)



  • Better diagnosis in the rule concerning "hardcoded passwords" (1055036) reducing false positives 
  • Improved evaluation of urls (support for augmented assignments, better string interpolation)
  • Correct parsing of computed properties

New Rules

The following rules on security have been added in this release: 

1055046Avoid dynamic code injection in WKWebView (Swift)
1055044Avoid using cryptography hash without salt (Swift)
1055042Avoid using NSXMLParser without restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE) (Swift)
1055040Avoid using XMLDocument without restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE) (Swift)
1055038Avoid weak encryption algorithm (Swift)
1055028Avoid hard-coded network resource names (Swift)