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Functional Release 1.0

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Functional Release 1.0:

ALPWPF-15In WPF applications, number of transactions is empty in Transaction entry points after making WPF XAML controls and XAML controls as transaction entry points

Check that XAML  Controls are head of  the transaction


No Links created between HyperlinkButton and navigating XAMLpage


Wrong and single HyperlinkButton is identified, if the 2 Hyperlinkbuttons has click events with same TargetName attribute

Beta 2

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 2:

SCRAIP-13428Toggle button XAML control is not identified by WPF plugin
SCRAIP-12303WPF Plugin processes silverlight applications as well
SCRAIP-11852WPF plugin doesn't identify MenuItem control
SCRAIP-11319Links are missing between xaml file to referred vb class
SCRAIP-10474XAML Controls are duplicated on enlighten
SCRAIP-9965Support for Binding RelativeSource Property
SCRAIP-9952WPF Plugin doesn't handle the mutliple bindings where binding source is in and out of controls
SCRAIP-9228The properties window doesn't list "Object Found in Files" for xaml controls on enlighten
SCRAIP-9224XAML Control "DropShadowBitmapEffect" of .NET Framework 3.5 or 3.0 doesn't identify as object
SCRAIP-9216Xaml control object should have an icons on enlighten
SCRAIP-14075WPF XAML controls are duplicated in Enlighten
SCRAIP-9937False positive for method overloading

Beta 1

First release.