Visual Basic - Prepare and deliver the source code

This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

Summary: This section describes how to prepare and deliver the source code of your Visual Basic application.

Information about discovery

Discovery is a process that is actioned during the delivery process. CAST will attempt to automatically identify "projects" within your application using a set of predefined rules. This discovery process also allows CAST AIP to set the initial analysis configuration settings explained in Visual Basic - Analysis configuration. Discoverers are currently embedded in CAST AIP Core:

You should read the relevant documentation for each discoverer (provided in the link above) to understand how the source code will be handled.

Source code delivery using CAST AIP Console

AIP Console expects either a ZIP/archive file or source code located in a folder configured in AIP Console. You should include in the ZIP/source code folder all Visual Basic source code:

  • .VBP
  • Any associated files.

CAST highly recommends placing the files in a folder dedicated to Visual Basic. If you are using a ZIP/archive file, zip the folders in the "temp" folder - but do not zip the "temp" folder itself, nor create any intermediary folders:

	|-----Visual Basic

Source code delivery using legacy CAST Delivery Manager Tool

How do I add a source code package to my delivery

See How do I add a source code package to my delivery.

What you should package?

When creating packages to discover and extract your Visual Basic application you should create them as listed below:


Package name/type





Source code


Source code root folder

Use the "Files on your file system" / SVN / TFS options in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool:

Click to enlarge

How do I fine-tune my Version ?

See How do I fine-tune my Version for more information.

How do I deliver the Version for analysis?

See How do I deliver the Version for analysis for more information.

Delivery acceptance

See Validate and Accept the Delivery for more information.