This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

This extension was previously (in version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) known as TypeScript and Angular.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32726Fixed an issue where a TypeScript analysis warning was displayed: Extension com.castsoftware.typescript has encountered an issue.
30472Fixed an issue causing an HTML analysis crash due to TypeScript Python error.
32327Fixed an issue where wrong links were created from TypeScript method to Angular post http service.
31749Fixed an issue where theTypeScript analysis was getting stuck while parsing some .tsx files.
24397Fixed an issue with default entry points.
31491Removed false positive for the rule (rule id: 7126): “Avoid Artifacts with high Commented-out Code Lines/Code Lines ratio" for class objects.
32486Fixed an issue where service objects were missing for axios in TypeScript analysis.

Other Updates

Update Entry Point and Exit point definitions for TypeScript objects


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
7126FALSEAvoid Artifacts with high Commented-out Code Lines/Code Lines ratio.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28592HTML5 analysis crash warning: Extension com.castsoftware.typescript has encountered an issue


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
29339Missing web service issue fixed by improving the resolution when a TypeScript Object is exported
Callee TypeCaller TypeDetails
CallableMongoDB collectionFixed missing links to MongoDB collections

Other Updates

The mongoose connection options have been removed from mongoose connection name. Collection objects which were accessed through connection using different options are now merged.
Support useValue in angular injection
Support node packages. Resolution have been improved to support the use of node packages created by users.
Improve evaluation of strings returned by function calls
Support Javascript Object access using brackets : object_name['key_name']
Support use of window variable
Basic support of toLowerCase method when evaluating a string
Support spread operator used withTypeScript Objects
Support use of a variable in a TypeScript Object.

New Support

Support for ng-packagerImports from libraries built with ng-packager are now supported
Support for request, request-promise, request-native and request-promise-any librariesSupport use of the HTTP request clients "request", "request-promise", "request-native" and "request-promise-any".
Support for nodemailer packageAn email object is created when nodemailer is used.
Support @sendgrid/mail packageAn email object is created when @sendgrid/mail is used.
Support for property binding for href in angularSupport property binding for href in angular is now supported. Note that this feature will work only with a version of com.castsoftware.html5 ≥ to 2.1.5-funcrel (



Due to improvement in the parsing, there might be some changes in the checksums of some objects.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28575Missing web service issue fixed
28669Missing web service in angular fixed
28829RuntimeError: name should not be empty. Issue fixed

Other Updates

Problem parsing binary in arrow expressions fixed