This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

This extension was previously (in version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) known as TypeScript and Angular.



This release of the extension contains a number of rule related improvements, which will have a significant impact on any existing analysis results generated with a previous release of the extension. When re-analyzing existing and unchanged source code with this new extension, you should therefore expect grade and violation changes. When using AIP Console, if you do not want this extension to be used, you should ensure that you implement an extension strategy to prevent the automatic download and installation of the extension. If you are onboarding a new application, CAST actively encourages you to use this new release to take advantage of the improvements that have been implemented.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
25529Removed false positives for rule "Avoid using javascript HTTP request in Angular Application"


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020804FALSEAvoid using console logging. Increased the Threshold. Changed scope. Grade Impact Changed.
1020808FALSEAvoid using eval(). Increased the Threshold. Changed scope.
1020810FALSEAvoid bypassing angular security trust. Increased the Threshold. Changed scope.
1020814FALSEAvoid using web service calls inside a loop. Increased the threshold. Refined the scope.
1020818FALSEAvoid disabling xsrf check in HttpClientXsrfModule. Increased the Threshold. Changed scope.
1020820FALSEAvoid hardcoded passwords. Increased the Threshold.
1020826FALSEAvoid hardcoded network resource names. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020832FALSEAvoid using javascript HTTP request in Angular Application. Increased the Threshold. Refined the scope.
1020852FALSEAvoid using <script> tag in HTML template used by React.js components. Increased the threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020854FALSEAvoid using React dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Increased the Threshold.
1020896FALSEAvoid using risky cryptographic hash with nodejs. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020904FALSEAvoid using url.parse() with vulnerable nodejs versions. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020906FALSEAvoid using TLS library before Node.js 9.11.2 and 10.4.1. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020908FALSEAvoid using the file path validation with Node.js 8.5.0. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020910FALSEAvoid using path library parsing functions with vulnerable nodejs versions. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020912FALSEAvoid using HTTP/2 library with vulnerable nodejs versions. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020914FALSEAvoid using Buffer.fill() and/or Buffer.alloc() with vulnerable nodejs versions. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020916FALSEAvoid using Buffer library and UCS-2 encoding with vulnerable versions. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020924FALSEAvoid using net.Socket object as stream with vulnerable version of Node.js. Increased the Threshold. Grade Impact Changed.
1020906FALSEAvoid using TLS library before Node.js 9.11.2 and 10.4.1. Changed scope.
1020912FALSEAvoid using HTTP/2 library with vulnerable nodejs versions. Changed scope.
1020916FALSEAvoid using Buffer library and UCS-2 encoding with vulnerable versions. Changed scope.
1020924FALSEAvoid using net.Socket object as stream with vulnerable version of Node.js. Changed scope.
1020886FALSEAvoid using unsecured cookie with express. Grade Impact Changed.
1020894FALSEAvoid using string concatenation when using nodejs __dirname and __filename variables. Grade Impact Changed.
1020802FALSEAvoid having errors without throwing them. Refined the scope.
1020828FALSEAvoid String concatenation in loops. Refined the scope.