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This extension supports some libraries offering access to SQL databases. The SQL frameworks analysis is based on the evaluation of the first argument of the "query()" and "execute()" method calls. The first argument is evaluated and if it corresponds to an SQL query, a CAST_TS_Query object is created. In the case where the first argument does not correspond to a SQL query, we evaluate the second argument if is exists. Text only and parameterized SQL queries are supported. This heuristic allows us to support a large number of SQL database frameworks.

PostgreSQL "pg" framework

Take the following code: 

var pg = require("pg");
var conString = "pg://operator:CastAIP@localhost:2280/postgres";
var client = null;

function getTables(schema, cbTables) {
    "use strict";
    client = new pg.Client(conString);
    var queryTables = client.query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='" + 
                      schema + "' ORDER BY 	table_name");

    queryTables.on("row", function (row, result) {
    queryTables.on("end", function (result) {
        var tables = [];
        for (i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i += 1) {

In this example, a TypeScript query object is created and a callLink between the getTables method and that query is added. The SQL Analyzer can then link that query with the corresponding table if the table exists. In the present case, this extension creates a useSelect link to the table 'tables':


Take the following code:

var connection = require('my_connection');
var router = express.Router();
var connection = require('my_connection');

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
	function getMostUsedApps() {
		var getmostusedapps = "SELECT a.created_by,,a.category_id,t.app_id as id,COUNT(t.app_id) 
                               AS  total,a.serviceUrl,a.contractId," + " as catname,p.company_name 
                               FROM track_ussd t "+ "RIGHT JOIN apps a ON t.app_id = INNER JOIN categories c" + 
                               " ON a.category_id = INNER JOIN profiles p ON a.created_by = p.user_id WHERE 
                               t.msisdn = '"+msisdn+"' AND a.status = 'ACTIVATE'" + "GROUP BY t.app_id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 3";
		connection.query(getmostusedapps, function(err_getmostusedapps, rows_getmostusedapps, fields_getmostusedapps) {

In this example, a TypeScript query object is created and a callLink between the getMostUsedApps method and that query is added. The SQL Analyzer can then link that query with the corresponding table if the table exists. In the present case, this extension creates a useSelect link to the tables 'track_ussd', 'categories', 'apps':

Microsoft SQL Server

Take the following code:

var sql = require('mssql');

app.delete('/rest/todos/:todo_id', function doDelete(req, res) {
    'use strict';
    var id = req.params.todo_id,
        query = 'DELETE FROM TODO WHERE ID=\'' + id + '\'';
    new sql.Request().query(query, function (error) {
        if (error) {
            console.log('delete', error);
            res.status(404).send('Error when clearing completed TODOs.');

In this example, a TypeScript query object is created and a callLink between the anonymous function and that query is added. The sql analyzer can then link that query with the corresponding table if the table exists. In the present case, this extension creates a useDelete link to the table 'TODO':

Microsoft SQL Server (node-sqlserver)

Take the following code:

var sql = require('node-sqlserver');

var connStr = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=myySqlDb,1433;Database=DB;UID=Henry;PWD=cat;";
var query = "SELECT * FROM GAData WHERE TestID = 17";, function doSelect(err,conn){
        return console.error("Could not connect to sql: ", err);

	conn.queryRaw("SELECT TOP 10 FirstName, LastName FROM authors", function (err, results) {
        if (err) {
            console.log("Error running query!");
        for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
            console.log("FirstName: " + results.rows[i][0] + " LastName: " + results.rows[i][1]);

In this example, a TypeScript query object is created and a callLink between the anonymous function and that query is added. The sql analyzer can then link that query with the corresponding table if the table exists. In the present case, this extension creates a useSelect link to the table 'authors':

Oracle Server

Take the following code:

var oracledb = require('oracledb');
    user          : "hr",
    password      : "welcome",
    connectString : "localhost/XE"
  function doSelect(err, connection)
    if (err) { console.error(err); return; }
      "SELECT department_id, department_name "
    + "FROM titles "
    + "WHERE department_id < 70 "
    + "ORDER BY department_id",
      function(err, result)
        if (err) { console.error(err); return; }

In this example, a TypeScript query object is created and a callLink between the anonymous function and that query is added. The SQL Analyzer can then link that query with the corresponding table if the table exists. In the present case, this extension creates a useSelect link to the table 'titles':