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Improved support of Thymeleaf web service calls.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32701Misssing link from MVC operation to Implementation method.
32535Spring MVC Operation name and link is wrong.



Moved to funcrel.



In this release, a change has been made to the security rules provided in AIP Core which are triggered when a User Input Security analysis is enabled. Details can be found in the "Rules" section of the release notes below.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
8490FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid SQL injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid SQL injection" previously.
8514FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid NoSQL injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid NoSQL injection" previously.
8482FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid cross-site scripting through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid cross-site scripting" previously.
8488FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid resource URL manipulation through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid resource URL manipulation" previously.
8492FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid LDAP injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid LDAP injection" previously.
8496FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid process control through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid process control" previously.
8498FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid thread injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid thread injection" previously.
8500FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid code injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid code injection" previously.
8502FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid reflection injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid reflection injection" previously.
8486FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid resource injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid resource injection" previously.
8506FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid file path manipulation through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid file path manipulation" previously.
8510FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid uncontrolled format string through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid uncontrolled format" previously.
8512FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid mixing trusted and untrusted data in HTTP requests through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid mixing trusted and untrusted data in HTTP requests" previously.
8494FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid OS command injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid OS command injection" previously.
8504FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid XPath injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid XPath injection" previously.
8508FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid log forging through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid log forging" previously.
8484FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid HTTP response splitting through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid HTTP response splitting" previously.
8522FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid regular expression injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid regular expression injection" previously.
8528FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid deserialization injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid deserialization injection" previously.
8534FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid XQuery injection through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid XQuery injection" previously.
8516FALSEFor AIP >= 8.3.27, the rule "Avoid URL redirection to untrusted site through API requests" is enabled for input received in REST API exposed, instead of "Avoid URL redirection to untrusted site" previously.