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Functional Release

The following table lists all bugs fixed inĀ Functional Release:

APLWCF-78Improvement of links

Beta 3

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 3:

APLWPF-118Exception encountered while parsing files.

Beta 2

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 2:

APSIL-43Silverlight extension encounters an issue when permission is denied for the files or folder in the source.

Beta 1

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 1:


Create link between RelayCommand and Delegate, XamlControl and RelayCommand, Xaml File and Class

APLSIL-18Create link between RelayCommand and Delegate, XamlControl and RelayCommand, Xaml File and Class
APLSIL-30Silverlight plugin encountered an issue :: KeyError
APLSIL-34Improvement of log messages from plugin
APLSIL-35Improvement of log messages from plugin
APLSIL-40Silverlight plugin encountered an issue :: Permission Denied
APLWCF-43Fix for all dot plugin objects at the same level while searching in enlighten.