Siebel 5.0 - Generating a snapshot for source code V2

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Target audience:

CAST Administrators, Delivery Managers

Summary: this section explains how to deliver V2 of the source code and then generate a snapshot

Vanilla re-analysis

If the Siebel version is the same, and no patch has been applied to the project since V1 extraction and analysis, there is no need to create a V2 for the Vanilla. Otherwise, if a migration / fix / patch has been applied, proceed as follows:

  • Open the DMT and refresh
  • Create a V2 based on version V1
  • Update the configuration of the package if necessary. Check if this is still the same REPOSITORY ID
  • Package and deliver
  • Open CMS
  • Accept the delivery and use it as the current version
  • Use the Run Analysis only option to re-run an analysis

Project re-analysis

The process is:

  • Open the DMT and refresh
  • Create a V2 based on version V1
  • Update the configuration of the package if necessary. Check if this is still the same REPOSITORY ID
  • Package and deliver
  • Open CMS
  • Accept the delivery and use it as the current version
  • Generate a snapshot.