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Siebel 5.0.2 

Siebel 5.0.2 contains all bug fixes from the following previous legacy combined releases:

  • 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 

The following table lists all bugs fixed in 5.0.2 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

R&D IDCall IDSummary
SIBL-42 Measures are not available in the dashboard : Measures are now attached to the Technical Criteria 61032 "ERP - Customization"
SIBL-41 Siebel snapshot creation fails | ERROR: More than one row returned by a subquery used by a expression

Siebel 5.0.3

Siebel 5.0.3 contains all bug fixes from the following previous legacy combined releases:

  • 5.0.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2

The following table lists all bugs fixed in 5.0.3 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

R&D IDCall IDSummary

False Violations for "Siebel: Applet’s name should contains the type"

False Violations for 1520386 Siebel: One-to-One Extension tables should be suffixed with _X

False Violations for 1520388 Siebel: One-to-Many Extension tables should be suffixed with _XM

SIBL-53 Siebel snapshot creation fails | ERROR: More than one row returned by a subquery used by a expression

Siebel 5.0.4

Siebel 5.0.4 contains all bug fixes from the following previous legacy combined releases:

  • 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2 and 5.0.3

The following table lists all bugs fixed in 5.0.4 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

R&D IDCall IDSummary
SIBL-60 Permanent Fix: cannot access RestAPI after the successful deployment of a war file
SIBL-61 Extraction fails with recent AIP versions (7.3.9+, 8.0.2+, 8.1.0+)