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Summary: this section describes how to manage the analysis of your Siebel applications in the CAST Management Studio, following delivery of the source code.

The analysis process for your Siebel applications is designed to work with the two analysis services that were created earlier (see Siebel 5.0 - Installation):

  • SIEBELl5_V_LOCAL: Analysis Service that will store the analysis results for the Vanilla repository
  • SIEBEL5_LOCAL: Analysis Service that will store the analysis results for the Project repository

Please note that the following document refers to SQL scripts delivered in text files with the extension. These files are located here and are delivered for both Oracle and CAST Storage Service implementations:

Archive (5.0.1)
  • ToBeUsedForConfigurationInCMS/CSS
  • ToBeUsedForConfigurationInCMS/Oracle
Nuget (5.0.1 - 5.0.3)
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.siebel.<version>\CSS
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.siebel.<version>\Oracle
Nuget (5.0.4)
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.siebel.<version>\InstallScripts\CastStorageService\DIAG\CMS
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.siebel.<version>\InstallScripts\Oracle\DIAG\CMS

Analysis setup for Project

  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Validate and choose the connection profile for SIEBEL5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)
  • Click Next to start the setup wizard

  • Enter the CAST License Key:

  • Configure the two folders for the delivery and the deployment of the source code. The "Source Delivery" folder must be the exact same folder as the folder configured during the setup of the CAST AIC Portal:

  • Click Finish to launch the CAST Management Studio.

Configure CAST Management Studio preferences

Once the CAST Management Studio has launched, open Windows/Preferences and define the Cast General settings:

  • Log Root Directory: you should select a dedicated folder for the current SIEBEL5_MNGT Management Service
  • Large intermediate storage area: you should select a dedicated folder for the current SIEBEL5_MNGT Management Service
  • Large temporary storage area: you should select a dedicated folder for the current SIEBEL5_MNGT Management Service
  • Audience: select Advanced

Import the Assessment Model

  • Open the Dashboard Service editor for the Dashboard Service (SIEBEL5_CENTRAL) that is associated to the Management Service you are currently connected to.
  • Click the Import Assessment Model option - the Assessment Model will then be displayed in the CAST Management Studio in the Assessment Models view.

Analysis setup for Vanilla

  • If the CAST Management Studio is already running and you are connected to SIEBEL5_MNGT (i.e. the Project), quit the CAST Management Studio.
  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Validate and choose the connection profile for SIEBEL5_V_MNGT (i.e. the Vanilla)
  • Repeat the entire section (including all sub-sections) entitled "Analysis setup for Project" as described above. Ensure that you work with the CAST schemas that have been defined for the Vanilla: SIEBEL5_V_CENTRAL and SIEBEL5_V_LOCAL

Manage and run the analysis for Vanilla

  • While still connected to SIEBEL5_V_MNGT (i.e. the Vanilla) in the CAST Management Studio, in the Application view, click Manage an Application registered in AIC Portal….
  • The wizard displays all available applications. Select the "Vanilla" application:

  • Assuming the packages have already been delivered as explained in Siebel 5.0 - Application onboarding, the Application editor will show the delivered Version in the Delivery tab:

Accept delivery and use it as current version

Select the Version and then click the Manage the delivery… option to open the CAST DMT. Check the packaging is correct:

  • The Content state of the package should be showing Packaging successful
  • In the Package content tab, you should see one project named Vanilla for the Siebel Extractor Project type:

  • Quit the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.
  • Back in the CAST Management Studio, select the Version and click Accept delivery and use it as current version. You should use the default values in the wizard that is displayed.
Note that this procedure can take a long time as it deploys the source code. If you want to increase the speed, you should deactivate any real-time anti-virus scanning that may be configured on the Deployment folder.

Configure the Content Enrichment

In the Application editor, click the Content Enrichment tab.

Siebel Content Enrichment

  • Create a Universal Importer tool in Tools after analysis to create additional links.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • ensure the Import from option is set to Database
    • set the Group Name to "SIEBEL_TECHNICAL".
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Vanilla_ContentEnrichment_1_Siebel Content Enrichment.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - CSS or Oracle).
    • activate the Drop data after import option
  • There is nothing to define in the Variables tab

Siebel Application Content

  • Create an SQL Tool in Tools after analysis to compute the content of each Siebel functional application that has been customized or duplicated.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Vanilla_ContentEnrichment_2_Siebel Application Content Reference.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
  • There is nothing to define in the Variables tab

  • The computation must be defined for each analyzed Siebel Application. These Siebel applications can be unique, or 2, 3, 4. There are the Siebel application(s) customized by the customer. They are listed in the Source Code Delivery Form (Application_SourceCode_DeliveryForm_Siebel_v3+v4.xlsx) as part of the mandatory information provided by the development team to the AI Center in charge of the Siebel analysis. This is the question item #7 at the bottom of the Siebel Analyzer tab. See sample below:

  • If you are unsure, double-check with the development team, because this information is critical to determine the scope and focus of the analysis. One call to the function Siebel_PROJECT_CONTENT is executed for each application. Change the string inside simple quotes to match each of the Siebel applications specified as a target of the CAST analysis.
  • The rest of the script MUST NOT be changed.

Run analysis

  • Check that the services are correctly defined and then run an analysis of the Application using the Run Analysis Only option:

Post analysis checks

  • Check the log files - please see the documentation here for more information about this.

Manage and run the analysis for Project

  • If the CAST Management Studio is already running and you are connected to SIEBEL5_V_MNGT (i.e. the Vanilla), quit the CAST Management Studio.
  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Choose the connection profile for SIEBEL5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)
  • In the Application view, click Manage an Application registered in AIC Portal…. The wizard displays all available applications. Select the "Project" application:

  • Assuming the packages have already been delivered as explained in Siebel 5.0 - Application onboarding, the Application editor will show the delivered Version in the Delivery tab:

Accept delivery and use it as current version

Select the Version and then click the Manage the delivery… option to open the CAST DMT. Check the packaging is correct

  • The Content state of the package should be showing Packaging successful
  • In the Package content tab, you should see one project named Project for the Siebel Extractor Project type:

  • Quit the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.
  • Back in the CAST Management Studio, select the Version and click Accept delivery and use it as current version. You should use the default values in the wizard that is displayed.
Note that this procedure can take a long time as it deploys the source code. If you want to increase the speed, you should deactivate any real-time anti-virus scanning that may be configured on the Deployment folder.

Configure the Assessment Model

  • Open the imported Assessment Model and check that the parameter settings for the Siebel quality rules are adapted to your project.
  • To do so, go to the Contextual Parameters tab and search for names that start with "Siebel:"
Note that the Search may not function correctly - if this is the case, please quit the CAST Management Studio and then re-run it (ensuring that you connect to SIEBEL5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)

  • To check or modify a parameter, edit the parameter - this will open the parameter in an editor window. For example, for the naming conventions, edit the parameters "Siebel: Prefix XXX".

  • Check the following tables and modify each parameter to the value defined in the Project value column.

Multiple values, char: as they are related to naming convention, they must be adapted to the project

(external ID)

Rule name

Parameter name

Default value

Project value


Siebel: Applet's name should contain the type

Siebel: Suffix Applet - Association List

Assoc Applet




Siebel: Suffix Applet – Detail

Detail Applet or Popup Applet




Siebel: Suffix Applet – MVG

Mvg Applet

MVG Applet



Siebel: Suffix Applet - Pick List

PickList Applet

Pick Applet



Siebel: Suffix Applet - Playbar

Playbar Applet




Siebel: Suffix Applet - Standard

Standard Applet




Siebel: Suffix Applet - Task

Task Applet

Form Applet


Siebel: Table's name should have a designated prefix like XX_LABEL

Siebel: Prefix Table




Siebel: Business Component's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix Business Component




Siebel: Applet's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix Applet




Siebel: View's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix View




Siebel: Screen's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix Screen




Siebel: Business Object's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix Business Object




Siebel: Business Service's name should begin with Company prefix

Siebel: Prefix Business Service



Single value, numerical: As a first approach, you can stick to the default values

(external ID)

Rule name

Parameter name

Default value

Project Value


Siebel eScript: Avoid Functions with High Cyclomatic Complexity

Siebel: Max CC




Siebel eScript: Avoid Functions with a low comment/code ratio

Siebel: Min comment ratio




Siebel eScript: Avoid complex PreGetFieldValue Functions

Siebel: Max LoC for PreGetFieldValue




Siebel: Avoid too many MVG on list applet

Siebel: Max MVG Applet




Siebel eScript: Avoid putting all code in the Applet_PreInvokeMethod event

Siebel: Max LoC for Service_PreInvokeMethod




Siebel eScript: Avoid putting all code in the Service_PreInvokeMethod event

Siebel: Max LoC for Service_PreInvokeMethod




Siebel eScript: Prefer SWITCH over nested IF-THEN-ELSE in Functions

Siebel: Max Nested IF




Siebel eScript: Avoid using multiple conditions in IF constructions in Functions

Siebel: Max Condition in IF




Siebel: Avoid Business Objects referencing too many Business Components

Siebel: Max Buscomp




Siebel: Avoid Business Components referencing more than X tables

Siebel: Max Table




SiebelReview: Too Many Applets on a View

Siebel: Max Applet




SiebelReview: Excessive Number of List Columns in a List Applet

Siebel: Max number of columns




Siebel eScript: Avoid Functions with more than X variables

Siebel: Max Variables




Siebel eScript: Avoid Functions with more than X Lines of Code

Siebel: Max LoC



Configure the Content Enrichment

In the Application editor, click the Content Enrichment tab.

Siebel Content Enrichment

  • Create a Universal Importer tool in Tools after analysis to create additional links.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • ensure the Import from option is set to Database
    • set the Group Name to "SIEBEL_TECHNICAL".
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_1_UI_Siebel Content Enrichment.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • Activate the Drop data after import option.
  • There is nothing to define in the Variables tab

Siebel Vanilla Import

  • Create an SQL Tool in Tools after analysis to import data from the Vanilla's analysis service.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_2_SQL_Siebel Vanilla Import.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).

  • Now move to the Variables tab and add a variable:
    • Value = the name of the analysis service (in our example, SIEBEL5_v_local)

Siebel Discrimination with Vanilla

  • Create an SQL Tool in Tools after analysis to compute the discrimination between the Vanilla and the Project.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_3_SQL_Siebel Discrimination with Vanilla.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
  • There is nothing to define in the Variables tab

If VANILLA_SCHEMA (in our example, SIEBEL5_V_LOCAL) has been reinstalled in server manager ( to update Siebel extension or to manage any other extension ...) just before this step, be aware that all custom tables are recreated, all data will be overwritten and lost. So you have to rerun the SQL Tool after analysis (Content Enrichment) on  VANILLA_SCHEMA. It will populate again the custom tables used for the discrimination step on PROJECT_SCHEMA


Siebel Application Content

  • Create an SQL Tool in Tools after analysis to compute the content of each Siebel functional application that has been customized or duplicated.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_4_SQL_Siebel Application Content.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
  • There is nothing to define in the Variables tab

  • The computation must be defined for each analyzed Siebel Application. These Siebel applications can be unique, or 2, 3, 4. There are the Siebel application(s) customized by the customer. They are listed in the Source Code Delivery Form (Application_SourceCode_DeliveryForm_Siebel_v3+v4.xlsx) as part of the mandatory information provided by the development team to the AI Center in charge of the Siebel analysis. This is the question item #7 at the bottom of the Siebel Analyzer tab. See sample below:

  • If you are unsure, double-check with the development team, because this information is critical to determine the scope and focus of the analysis. One call to the function Siebel_PROJECT_CONTENT is executed for each application. Change the string inside simple quotes to match each of the Siebel applications specified as a target of the CAST analysis.
  • The rest of the script MUST NOT be changed.


  • In the Application editor, click the Modules tab.
  • Untick all options under Generate one module per:

  • Now create User Defined Modules as follows (the text files are provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page - use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - CSS or Oracle).
    • Two modules for the entire Siebel repository: this allows specific quality rules (like deadcode) to be executed and to check the quality rules on all objects
      • REPOSITORY_ADDED: use the template "Project_Module_REPOSITORY_ADDED.txt"
      • REPOSITORY_MODIFIED : use the template "Project_Module_REPOSITORY_MODIFIED.txt"
    • Two modules for each functional application:
      • <appname>_ADDED : use the template "Project_Module_SiebelApp_ADDED.txt" and put the application name in the second parameter
      • <appname>_MODIFIED : use the template "Project_Module_SiebelApp_MODIFIED.txt" and put the application name in the second parameter

  • For all these manually created User Defined Modules, you must delete the default Object Filter (called My Object Filter) from the Filters tab:

  • Activate the option Build module content using an explicit list of objects in the Explicit content tab for EACH User Defined Module:

  • Delete the default SQL query template in the Explicit content tab and copy in the appropriate SQL query provided in the template txt file for EACH User Defined Module:

Generate a snapshot

  • Check that the services are correctly defined and take a snapshot of the application.

Post snapshot checks

  • Check the log files.
  • Check the results in the CAST dashboards.