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CAST Administrators

Summary: This section discusses the way CAST AIP analyzes Siebel projects and describes the specific metrics that form part of the standard CAST Quality Model.

Architecture and analysis principles

The image below describes the entire process of computing quality assessments of Siebel projects, from the extraction of the Siebel source code and meta-data to the integration of the quality results into the standard CAST dashboard:

Discrimination process

The purpose of the discrimination process is to identify differences between the standard installation (also called Vanilla) and the project environment.

In order to identify these modifications, we require the source code delivery for the Project and the Vanilla. To integrate them, we create two Analysis Services:

  • Project Analysis Service: contains the results of the technical analysis of the current version of the Siebel project
  • Vanilla Analysis Service: contains the results of the technical analysis of the baseline of a Siebel implementation. This Analysis Service should not be undergo snapshot generation each time and for each project. It should instead undergo snapshot generation each time the Vanilla changes (patch, upgrade etc.). This Analysis Service can be used by multiple projects.

Siebel technology coverage

The objects listed below are all the object types that a Siebel analysis will deliver in the Analysis Service. With these objects, CAST is capable of supporting a set of quality rules to provide a customer with a good overview of the current technical status of a Siebel application. It is not the intention of Cast to capture all details and syntaxes; a coupling between requirement and detection is made.

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Siebel artifacts and their relations

The Siebel extension is now capable of detecting a much larger number of objects, properties and links. All of these artifacts are mentioned in this picture, but in essence, all Siebel objects are supported:

  • Application
  • Screen
  • View
  • Business Object
  • Applet we can distinguish different types:
    • Association List
    • Detail
    • MVG
    • Pick List
    • Playbar
    • Standard
    • Task
  • Business Component
  • Table we can distinguish different types:
    • Data (Intersection)
    • Data (Private)
    • Data (Public)
    • Dictionary
    • Extension
    • Extension (Siebel)
    • External
    • External View
    • Interface
    • Log
    • Repository
    • Virtual Table
    • Warehouse
  • Link
  • PickList
  • Web Page
  • Web Template
    • Applet Template
    • Applet Template – Chart
    • Applet Template – Form
    • Applet Template - Grid Layout
    • Applet Template – List
    • Applet Template – Specialized
    • Applet Template – Tree
    • View Template
    • Web Page Template
  • Workflow
  • Class
    • ActiveX Control
    • Applet
    • Business Component
    • Document
    • Java Applet
    • Report
    • Search
    • Service