This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

On this page:


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
42086Fixes the traceback error "TypeError: sequence item 4: expected str instance, NoneType found" with certain type hint annotations.

New Support

Support parenthesized context managersSupport provided for the use of parentheses in "with" statements.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
38882Fix stalled analysis in files with complex string reconstructions by introducing a timeout.

Other Updates

Fix a false detection of http queries (requests library). This fixes false positive in rule (1021004) "Avoid using a web service with Python requests inside a loop".


Other Updates

Fixed an issue with implicit string concatenation. Now multiline strings are managed correctly.
Declared AWS S3 bucket and DynamoDB tables as Data Entities (instead of end points). This is relevant for function point counting.

New Support

Support "PURL" libraryURLs manipulated with the "PURL" library are now correctly evaluated. This can impact positively in the linking of Web Service objects.



Improvements to the lexer are made in this release, to correctly handle nested quotation marks in Python strings. These improvements introduce meaningful whitespace characters which were previously missing in the respective AST nodes. This in turn affects the checksum values of objects that contain these nodes, hence upgrading to this release may impact the existing analysis results.

Other Updates

Correct interpretation of strings with nested quotes, including escape characters.
Add default entry/exit points for AWS objects.


Other Updates

Implement naming of web frameworks specifically for CAST Imaging.
Update type description for AWS related objects.

New Support

Support Pyramid web service operationsCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support "string.Template" for string interpolationAdd support string.Template.init, string.Template.substitute and string.Template.safe_substitute


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34909Correct false violation for the rule 'Avoid string interpolations to prevent SQL injections(Python)' when using f-strings.

Other Updates

Enhance support of resolutions (dotaccess).


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1021044FALSEAvoid string interpolations to prevent SQL injections (Python).

New Support

Support for Django and Django Rest FrameworksCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support Tornado Framework for server-sideCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.


Other Updates

Enhance support of string evaluations (raw string supported).
Add new common protocol category inheritance to PYTHON AWS DynamoDB Table objects to improve application level code handling.

New Support

Support Nameko web frameworkCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support of Dictionary Merge & Update OperationsSupport for new syntax in Python 3.9.
Support removeprefix and removesuffix built in methodsSupport for new syntax in Python 3.9.