This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34909Correct the false violation for the rule (1021044): 'Avoid string interpolations to prevent SQL injections (Python)' when using f-strings. Removed false positives.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1021044FALSERemoved false positives for the rule (1021044): "Avoid string interpolations to prevent SQL injections (Python)".


Other Updates

Create a maximum of one S3 unknown bucket per project
Handle correctly "botocore.client.S3.copy()" method: create useSelectLink and useInsertLink

New Support

Support web service operations in Bottle Web frameworkCreation of web service operations configured by the Bottle framework and links to the respective Python handler methods.
Support web service operations in Sanic Web frameworkCreation of web service operations configured by the Sanic framework and links to the respective Python handler methods.


Other Updates

Generalize app-level linking for any type of objects linkable to Lambda handlers (links representing AWS Lambda triggers).
Interpret calls inside Python Lambda expressions to AWS DynamoDB client objects.
Create non-CRUD links for Boto3 API methods acting on S3 bucket.
Remove "S3 region" objects from modelization of AWS S3.

New Support

Support Falcon web frameworkCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support CherryPy web frameworkCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support FastAPI web frameworkCreation of REST operations and links to the Python handler methods.
Support for Lambdas in AWS-CDKCreation of (Python) AWS Lambda objects and links to the Python handler methods. Enabled only when no corresponding CloudFormation template files are detected.



If your application contains AWS code it is highly recommended to add the com.castsoftware.cloudconfig extension, so that proper migration of AWS objects takes place upon upgrading com.castsoftware.python extension from previous versions (v< 1.4.0-beta7).

Other Updates

Support of Cloudformation, SAM and Serverless framework is removed from this extension. The support is now provided by com.castsoftware.cloudconfig. The com.castsoftware.python extension remains responsible for linking AWS objects that have Python methods as handlers.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
33241Filter out standard library packages from analysis
33452Avoid crashing the analysis when errors are found during object saving

Other Updates

Metamodel Python function (used for methods and functions indistinctly) now inherits from "APM Methods".
Improved search algorithm of AWS Lambda handlers.
Improved resolution of SQS queue names in AWS framework analysis.
Remove false positive for rule: "Avoid using exec (Python)", Rule ID: 1021038.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1021038FALSEAvoid using exec (Python).

New Support

Support positional-only argumentsPositional-only arguments are recognized when analyzing method definition signatures. This is part of the support for new features in Python 3.8.


New Support

Support for SNS in boto3Support Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for Python in boto3 (Python SDK for Amazon Web Services)



This release introduces major improvements in method call resolution, notably for those calls involving class instance attributes. These improvements should reduce considerably the number of false call links. Some correct call links might get impacted by these changes, in particular, for calls contained in large and complex classes.

Other Updates

Fix bug leading to innocuous error message during application level
Linux compliant extension version

New Support

Support for AWS dynamoDB (boto3 sdk)Creation of dynamoDB tables and CRUD links
Support for Web2py calls to web servicesSupport for calls to web services via fetch method (GET)



In this release, the Python analyzer will accept YAML files (.yaml, .yml) in addition to the already handled PYTHON files (.py, .jy).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28660Improve rule "Avoid hard-coded network resource names (Python)"
28661Avoid artifacts having recursive (includeLink) calls
28612Better support of python (namespace) packages (without "" files). Fixes missing links between python methods.
29690Fix bug when parsing empty dictionary definitions
29822Fix bug in program call interpreter leading to inner crash

Other Updates

Skip analysis of folders containing external libraries: python code in "site-packages" and "dist-packages" is skipped by default by the analyzer

New Support

Support for Boto3: Amazon Web Services SDK for PythonCreation of Lambda function objects, SQS messages and S3 buckets
Support for Serverless, SAM, CloudFormation: Amazon Web Service deployment frameworksSupport for AWS deployment frameworks using YAML configuration files, constrained to the Python runtime elements.



This release officially supports injection of interpreters via different UA extensions (for example for development of custom Python quality rules).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28631Add default value to BackFired Function Point (24)

Other Updates

Update rule title: 'Avoid Python string interpolations to prevent SQL injections' to 'Avoid string interpolations to prevent SQL injections (Python)'
Python Analyzer Openess for external interpreters (e.g. custom quality rules)


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
25623Python rule (Rule ID:1021030): "Avoid hardcoded network resource names" does not operate as described.
27785False Violation on Python Analysis for the rule (Rule ID:1021004): "Avoid using a web service with Python requests inside a loop".

Other Updates

Minor update of description for the rule (Rule ID:1021042): "Avoid hard-coded passwords (Python)".
Scope not correctly configured for rule (Rule ID:1021054): "Avoid long docstring lines".
Overall enhancement of method call resolutions, and fixed issues with cross-file method calls.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
23067Correct internal error when handling ternary conditional expression in loops.

Other Updates

Fixed issues on method names and calls with (possibly deprecated) keywords: print, exec and await.
Fixed internal error (minor impact).
Corrections in analysis of framework "plac". Fixed internal error that could lead to a crash.
Web Service objects are name after their url (complying with other analyzers) instead of their HTTP method name.


Other Updates

Jython files (.jy) are recognized as Python source code by the discoverer. These files are then analyzed as regular python code (see:

New Support

Support to "Plac framework"Added support to "Plac framework" for command-line argument handling.