This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.



This release is compatible with PeopleSoft extractions performed with the PeopleSoft extension 5.1.8-funcrel, 5.1.9-funcrel, 5.1.10-funcrel and 5.1.11. In other words, if you have already performed an analysis/snapshot using either 5.1.8-funcrel, 5.1.9-funcrel, 5.1.10-funcrel or 5.1.11 you can upgrade to 5.1.12 and then perform a new analysis/snapshot without having to re-action an extraction and set as current version.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32891Fixed a regression introduced in 5.1.10 where no LOC counts were displayed in the dashboards and no content was present in modules.



This release is compatible with PeopleSoft extractions performed with the PeopleSoft extension 5.1.8-funcrel, 5.1.9-funcrel and 5.1.10-funcrel. In other words, if you have already performed an analysis/snapshot using either 5.1.8-funcrel, 5.1.9-funcrel or 5.1.10-funcrel you can upgrade to 5.1.11 and then perform a new analysis/snapshot without having to re-action an extraction and set as current version.

Other Updates

Modify the PeopleSoft Extractor to make sure it accepts only peoplesoft castextraction files.



Release Notes withdrawn.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
18113False positive for rule "In an INSERT statement, define explicitly the values for all the table columns (PeopleSoft)" - QR ID = 1600292
24358Wording hardcoded -> hard-coded changed in documentation for the rules 1600840 - Avoid using hardcoded usernames (PeopleSoft) and 1600200 - Don't use hardcoded message (PeopleSoft).

Other Updates

Provide MasterFiles in the extension for quality rule delivery
Cast Upgrade: py files should be upgraded to 1.6.5 in new funcrel version of PeopleSoft


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1600840FALSEWrong diagnosisValueType (text instead of integer) for 1600840 - CWE-798: Avoid using hardcoded usernames (PeopleSoft)
1600280FALSEFalse negatives that were identified by the rule "Avoid placing PeopleCode into Fields, prefer Component Level (PeopleSoft)" have been fixed and will no longer occur.

PeopleSoft 5.1.9 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.


Rule documentation updates

Additional updates have been applied to the PeopleSoft rules. You can find the rules documentation for 5.1.9 here.

Rule implementation updates

The algorithm used to calculate the rule 1600200 - Don't use hardcoded message (PeopleSoft) has been modified to improve the violations it returns (previously, many false positive violations were returned). As a result of this change, existing analysis results may be impacted should you decide to upgrade to this release of the extension and generate a consistency snapshot.

PeopleSoft 5.1.8 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.


Rule documentation updates

The documentation for a significant number of PeopleSoft rules has been updated and improved to provide clarity and correct spelling or grammar issues. You can find the rules documentation for 5.1.8 here.

Changes to the PeopleSoft-Extract-CLI.bat file

The PeopleSoft extension provides the following batch file for automating the extraction of Vanilla and Project databases using the CAST Database Extractor - see PeopleSoft 5.1 - Application onboarding for more information:


This batch file has been modified twice:

1) To add configurations for accessing Oracle Server using a Service as well as a SID (as in previous releases). Lines 28 - 34 are new:

rem ****************************************************************************
rem Database parameters = Access to the database hosting the PeopleSoft repository
rem ****************************************************************************
rem for Oracle : oracle
rem for DB2 : db2

rem URL for Oracle = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<SERVER_NAME or IP>:<PORTNUMBER>:<SID>
rem URL for Oracle = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<SERVER_NAME or IP>:<PORTNUMBER>/<SERVICE>


rem either a host or an IP

rem user used for the SQL connection

Therefore when editing this batch file for your own environment, ensure that you configure line 34 in addition to all instances of <PARAM> (which also require changing) by choosing between %JDBC_URL_ORACLE_SID% (for access via a SID) or %JDBC_URL_ORACLE_SERVICE% (for access via a Service). By default the batch file will be configured to use an Oracle Server SID, i.e. the same behaviour as in previous releases of the extension:


2) To allow a language to be chosen specifically for the rule Field label item must have a translation into another language (PeopleSoft) - 1600146. Lines 56 - 59 are new: 

rem ****************************************************************************
rem PeopleSoft parameters = Access to the PeopleSoft repository
rem ****************************************************************************
rem user that contains the tables

rem Repository type = Vanilla or Project

rem Language used in the user interface. default Value = FRA
rem refer to official documentation for available values : 

rem Repository version. Either PeopleTools8.45, PeopleTools8.46, PeopleTools8.47, PeopleTools8.48, 
rem PeopleTools8.49, PeopleTools8.50, PeopleTools8.51, PeopleTools8.52, PeopleTools8.53.
rem use PeopleTools8.53 for newer versions

Therefore when editing this batch file for your own environment, ensure that you configure line 59 in addition to all instances of <PARAM> (which also require changing) by choosing the required language (you can find a list of languages here: By default the batch file will be configured to use FRA (French), i.e. the same behaviour as in previous releases of the extension.

Note that in a "rescan" scenario, the changes introduced on lines 56 -59 only require you to extract the Project not the Vanilla.

PeopleSoft 5.1.7 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.6 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.


PPSFT-183 - Create the link with the record for the corresponding link with the table or view

A Match (X) link will now be created between the PeopleCode and the Record corresponding to the physical table or view when a dynamic SQL has been identified in the PeopleCode. For example, the Use link is created between the PeopleSoft Page Event and the PeopleSoft RecordTable:

Therefore after an upgrade to PeopleSoft ≥ 5.1.6 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may change: new links will be available which may impact rule and Function Point results. 

PPSFT-184 - Support of Meta-SQL using record

A Use link will now be created between the PeopleCode and the Record when a Meta-SQL is used. Therefore after an upgrade to PeopleSoft ≥ 5.1.6 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may change: new links will be available which may impact rule and Function Point results. The list of supported Meta-SQL is as follows:

  • %Table -  %Table(recname [, _instance_]) 
  • %EffDtCheck - %EffDtCheck(recordname [_correlation_id1_], correlation_id2, as_of_date) 
  • %InsertValues - %InsertValues(recname) 
  • %KeyEqual - %KeyEqual(recname [ correlation_id] ) 
  • %KeyEqualNoEffDt - %KeyEqualNoEffDt(recname [ correlation_id] ) 
  • %OldKeyEqual - %OldKeyEqual(recname [correlation_id]) 
  • %UpdatePairs - %UpdatePairs(recname [correlation_id]) 
Note that no link is created if a variable is used for the recname.

PPSFT-185 - Warn when configuration is invalid

When executing the analysis and snapshot for the Project, if the platform variable PSOFT_VANILLA_SCHEMA is not defined then a warning will be displayed in the analysis log/CAST Management Studio execution dialog box. This will not block the execution of the analysis/snapshot, however, it is possible to cancel the execution if this message is seen:

PSOFT-100 Variable PSOFT_VANILLA_SCHEMA is not defined. Refer to the documentation.

PPSFT-192 - Support of Meta-SQL using SQL

A Use link will now be created between the PeopleCode / SQL objects and the SQL when a Meta-SQL %SQL is used. Therefore after an upgrade to PeopleSoft ≥ 5.1.6 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may change: new links will be available which may impact rule and Function Point results.

Note that no link is created if a variable is used for the SQL object.

PPSFT-193 - Support of Meta-SQL using SubRecord

A Use link will now be created between the PeopleCode / SQL objects and the SubRecord when a Meta-SQL %SUBREC is used. Therefore after an upgrade to PeopleSoft ≥ 5.1.6 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may change: new links will be available which may impact rule and Function Point results.

Note that no link is created if a variable is used for the subrecord object.

PPSFT-196 - Remove computation for distribution

The calculation of the following distribution metrics has been disabled in PeopleSoft 5.1.6:

  • 65105 - Size Distribution
  • 65350 - Coupling Distribution
  • 65501 - Cyclomatic Complexity Distribution
  • 66010 - Reuse by Call Distribution

If these metrics had been disabled as indicated in the documentation (see PeopleSoft 5.1 - Application analysis and snapshot generation) when using a previous release of the extension, then there will be no impact to the results following an upgrade to 5.1.6 and after generating a post-upgrade consistency snapshot.

Note that when configuring a new Application for analysis, these metrics no longer need to be manually disabled. See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Application analysis and snapshot generation.

PPSFT-199 Warning message in the application level step

Warnings will now be displayed in the analysis log/CAST Management Studio execution dialog box when an issue has been encountered during the analysis/snapshot generation. This provides a means to rectify any problems before the results are published.

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.4 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.3 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.2 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.1 - funcrel

Resolved issues

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.

PeopleSoft 5.1.0 - funcrel

Offline delivery

Automated exclusion of Vanilla violations

  • A snapshot must now be generated for the Vanilla, just like for the Project. In previous releases of the PeopleSoft extension, only an analysis was required for the Vanilla.
  • Violations that were (incorrectly) reported on the Vanilla analysis/snapshot in previous releases of the extension are now filtered automatically and will not be reported. This clears a limitation that has been present for some time.


  • The specific manual configuration of Content Enrichment tools that was required in previous releases of the PeopleSoft extension is now automatically handled by the extension and it is no longer necessary to create these tools manually.
  • Bug fixing. See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Bug Fix List.
  • Several new Quality Rules have been introduced in this release:
1600108PeopleSoft: Check if "Commit" statements have been used only where it is necessary
1600110PeopleSoft: Check existence of "Update", "Insert" & "Delete" Statements using SQLExec function
1600460PeopleSoft: Isolate common expressions
1600496PeopleSoft: Send messages in the SavePostChange event
1600538PeopleSoft: Using the GetNextNumberWithGaps Function
1600676CWE-484: Put Break statements in your Evaluate statements (PeopleSoft)
1600678PeopleSoft: Consolidating PeopleCode Programs
1600680PeopleSoft: Move PeopleCode to a Component or Page Definition
1600840CWE-798: Avoid using hardcoded usernames (PeopleSoft)

Upgrading from PeopleSoft 5.0 to 5.1

See PeopleSoft 5.1 - Upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1 for more information.


Please see Siebel and PeopleSoft - FAQs for more information.

Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

This extension provides the following support:

  • Function Points (transactions): a green tick indicates that OMG Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported
  • Quality and Sizing: a green tick indicates that CAST can measure technical size (LoC, Number of classes, Number of Programs, …) and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist
Function Points
Quality and Sizing

AIP Core compatibility

CAST AIP releasePeopleSoft 5.1.x
The latest release status of this extension can be seen when downloading it from the CAST Extend server.

Supported DBMS servers

For AIP Core schemas

CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL(tick)

For PeopleSoft applications

The extension supports PeopleSoft applications installed on the following DBMS:

Oracle Server(tick)
DB2 UDB(tick)

Supported Versions

The qualification of the PeopleSoft application does not depend on the functional release of PeopleSoft (8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2) nor on the functional module (CRM, HRMS, FSCM, Portal etc.). Indeed it depends only on the versions of PeopleTools used to develop the source code.
This extension provides support for the following PeopleTools versions:

PeopleTools versionSupported
  • PeopleTools versions above 8.48 that are listed in the table above are supported, but new functionalities or syntax introduced in these versions are not supported.
  • likely*: the PeopleTools repository tables (mostly PSxxx) have been very stable for many years, therefore the extractor will likely extract the objects and links as expected, and the rest of analysis will run fine. As soon as it is confirmed, a green tick will be added instead.

Tables required to grant access to the PeopleSoft repository

The following database tables are likely to be accessed during the PeopleSoft extraction process: PEOPLESOFT_TABLES.txt.

Note that the list of tables is taken from a PeopleSoft 8.50 repository. If you are extracting from a more recent PeopleSoft repository, the list of tables is still valid.

What results can you expect?


The following specific objects are displayed in CAST Enlighten:


PeopleSoft Activity

PeopleSoft ActivityEmail

PeopleSoft ActivityEvent

PeopleSoft ActivityReport

PeopleSoft ActivitySchedule

PeopleSoft ActivityStep

PeopleSoft ActivityWorklist

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Call

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Message

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Peoplecode

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action SQL

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action XSLT

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Deamon Only

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Import Only

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Section

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Section Market

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Standard

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Step

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Transform Only

PeopleSoft Application Engine Action Upgrade Only

PeopleSoft Application Class

PeopleSoft Application Class Execute

PeopleSoft Application Method

PeopleSoft Application Package

PeopleSoft Permission Component Interface

PeopleSoft Permission CI Method

PeopleSoft Authentication CnhlMon

PeopleSoft Authentication Cube

PeopleSoft Authentication Item

PeopleSoft Authentication Mobile Page

PeopleSoft Authentication Option

PeopleSoft Authentication Process

PeopleSoft Authentication Queue Monitor

PeopleSoft Authentication WebService

PeopleSoft BusinessProcess

PeopleSoft BusinessProcessItem

PeopleSoft CompInterface Event

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 0  Event

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 1  Event

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 2  Event

PeopleSoft Component

PeopleSoft Component Event

PeopleSoft Component Interface

PeopleSoft CI Collection Level 1

PeopleSoft CI Collection Level 2

PeopleSoft CI Collection Level 3

PeopleSoft CI CreateKey

PeopleSoft CI FindKey

PeopleSoft CI GetKey

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 0

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 1

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 2

PeopleSoft CI Property Level 3

PeopleSoft CI User Property Level 0

PeopleSoft CI User Property Level 1

PeopleSoft CI User Property Level 2

PeopleSoft CI User Property Level 3

PeopleSoft Component Item

PeopleSoft Component Record

PeopleSoft ComponentRecord Event

PeopleSoft ComponentRecord Field

PeopleSoft ComponentRecordField Event

PeopleSoft DBField

PeopleSoft Environment

PeopleSoft Field Format

PeopleSoft Field Label Item

PeopleSoft Field XLAT Item

PeopleSoft File Layout

PeopleSoft HTML

PeopleSoft Menu

PeopleSoft Menu Bar

PeopleSoft Menu Event

PeopleSoft Menu Item

PeopleSoft Menu Popup

PeopleSoft Message

PeopleSoft Message Catalog

PeopleSoft Message Event

PeopleSoft Message Node

PeopleSoft Message Sent

PeopleSoft Mobile Page

PeopleSoft Message Channel

PeopleSoft Message Subscription

PeopleSoft Package

PeopleSoft Page

PeopleSoft SubPage

PeopleSoft SecondaryPage

PeopleSoft Page Event

PeopleSoft Page Field0

PeopleSoft Page Field1

PeopleSoft Page Field2

PeopleSoft Page Field3

PeopleSoft Page Field Level1

PeopleSoft Page Field Level2

PeopleSoft Page Field Level3

PeopleSoft PeopleCodeFunction

PeopleSoft Permission List

PeopleSoft Portal Content Reference

PeopleSoft Portal Folder

PeopleSoft Portal Registry

PeopleSoft Process

PeopleSoft ProcessGroup

PeopleSoft ProcessJob

PeopleSoft Query

PeopleSoft RecordDerived

PeopleSoft RecordDynamic

PeopleSoft RecordFieldDB

PeopleSoft RecordFieldEvent

PeopleSoft RecordField

PeopleSoft RecordIndex

PeopleSoft RecordQuery

PeopleSoft RecordSub

PeopleSoft RecordTable

PeopleSoft RecordTemp

PeopleSoft RecordView

PeopleSoft Role

PeopleSoft SQL

PeopleSoft StyleSheet

PeopleSoft SubPackage

PeopleSoft Subscription Event

PeopleSoft URL

PeopleSoft User


The following structural rules are provided:

You can also find a global list here:||