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PeopleSoft 5.1.11


PeopleSoft 5.1.10 - funcrel

Customer Ticket Id


18113False positive for rule "In an INSERT statement, define explicitly the values for all the table columns (PeopleSoft)" - QR ID = 1600292
24358Wording hardcoded -> hard-coded changed in documentation for the rules 1600840 - Avoid using hardcoded usernames (PeopleSoft) and 1600200 - Don't use hardcoded message (PeopleSoft).

PeopleSoft 5.1.9 - funcrel

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryAffects Version/s

Missing CR in the description of the rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid using the SQLExec statements in the PeopleCode"


Explanation are missing in rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid using comments in SQL queries"


Spelling mistake + precision missing for rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid tables having indexes with a too large index definition"

PPSFT-249-Review implementation of rule 1600200 - "Don't use hardcoded message (PeopleSoft)"5.1.7

The PeopleSoft extraction using 5.1.8 extractor is not extracting the German translations with Value set to DEU


Check rule "All new Record must have a SYNCID (PeopleSoft)": QR description should be enhanced to provide this info : the QR is not applicable for all Peoplesoft applications


Insufficient documentation for the rule id 1600520 : "IN vs EXIST Use IN when the subquery is the most selective"


Need to modify the format of the remediation steps given as it is difficult to understand


PeopleSoft 5.1.8 - funcrel

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryAffects Version/s

Incomplete quality rules description on and dashboard


Wrong reference for rule "PeopleSoft: Child records must share all keys as the parent record, plus one or more keys that uniquely identify each row."


[Perm Fix] "2.3" in the rule description of the rule "PeopleSoft: Using DISTINCT, GROUP BY or UNION clause in a View implies that ..."


[Perm Fix]Output missing for rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid unlimited occurs on grids"


[Perm Fix]Description, rationale, ... missing for "PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Event with High Cyclomatic" and a few others rules


Rationale, description and remediation missing for rule PeopleSoft: In an INSERT statement, define explicitly the values for all the table columns


Explanation are missing in rule "PeopleSoft: Write UNION ALL instead of UNION statement"


Description, remediation, ... missing for a few PeopleSoft rules (2 x 2 QRs+ 2 x 4 QRs)


[PeopleSoft] Extraction is failing because the versions are not defined correctly in the .bat peoplesoft file


PeopleSoft extraction is failing when accessing Oracle Database using Service name


Wrong count of violation for the QR of ID 1600504


Wrong count of violations- Do not define a recordField EFFDT or EFF_STATUS without the other (PeopleSoft)

QR "Field label item must have a translation into another language (PeopleSoft)” is hardcoded for FRA. Need to expand to other languages5.1.7

PeopleSoft 5.1.7 - funcrel

Internal IDTicket IDSummary
PPSFT-21817473"n" missing in the rule description for rule "PeopleSoft: Using DISTINCT, GROUP BY or UNION clause in a View implies that ..."
PPSFT-22417475Spelling mistake for rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid modification of lenghts or types of Fields"
PPSFT-22617478Spelling mistake in the rule named "PeopleSoft: Record Table should have a Description Long" and a few others
PPSFT-22817482Spelling mistake in rule "PeopleSoft: Avoid using count(*) syntax".
PPSFT-23417943Multiple errors during analysis of PeopleSoft Vanilla using PeopleSoft Extension v5.1.6-funcrel

PeopleSoft 5.1.6 - funcrel

Internal IDTicket IDSummary
PPSFT-827887Snapshot was completed but the discrimination of Vanilla objects in the dashboard did not occur.

Peoplesoft offline Extraction - Performance issue

PPSFT-18011999Peoplesoft Packaging fails as host name is getting truncated - "Unknown host specified"
PORTING: PSOFT_DISCRIMINATION_DATA - more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
PPSFT-182-Error in the Master Files for metric 7124:

Metric 7124, inconsistent name for parameter #1, name 'Minimum Functional Evolvability' does not match 'Maximum Functional Evolvability'


Fix typos in metric names.


  • BEFORE: "PeopleSoft : Create all new Record Table in a specific tablespace"
  • AFTER: "PeopleSoft: Create all new Record Table in a specific tablespace"


  • BEFORE : "PeopleSoft: Ensure that "Buid sequence N§" is upper than "Build sequence N°" of all view used in is definition."
  • AFTER: "PeopleSoft: Ensure that "Build sequence Number" is greater than "Build sequence Number" of all views used in the definition." 
PPSFT-19713952Schema Installation with Peoplesoft 5.1.4 is not supported by Server Manager.

Temp fix: The DMT does not list a 'PeopleSoft' package type when using PeopleSoft v5.1.5-funcrel

PeopleSoft 5.1.4 - funcrel

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryComments
PPSFT-17113242New defect in v5.1.3 on code in comment with pattern REMA bug has been found in previous releases which was causing false violations to be listed for code commented with the REM and/or /* */ patterns . This bug has now been fixed and after an upgrade to PeopleSoft 5.1.4 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may change: there may be less violations providing improved accuracy.
PPSFT-17213241False positives on code in comment with pattern /* */
PPSFT-17513283Dashboard is not showing latest snapshot data for peoplesoft-
PPSFT-173-PeopleSoft v5.1.0 to 5.1.3 do not install correctly the 38 measures-

PeopleSoft 5.1.3 - funcrel

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionSituationSymptomsNew behaviour
PPSFT-169-No metrics for MAWhen running a PeopleSoft analysis and looking at the log file and rule results.

An error is listed in the Metrics Assistant log:

Failed to parse xml file: C:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.peoplesoft.5.1.2-funcrel\configuration\Languages\PeopleSoft\PeopleSoftCastMetrics.xml (line=608, col=1)).

This leads to incorrect results for rules calculated by the Metrics Assistant: there are no violations for approximately 25 PeopleSoft rules and their grade is set to 4.

The issues are fixed.
PPSFT-16112918, 12919, 12922Issues with the rule 1600110: PeopleSoft: Check existence of "Update", "Insert" & "Delete" Statements using SQLExec function.When running a PeopleSoft analysis and looking at the results of the rule 1600110: PeopleSoft: Check existence of "Update", "Insert" & "Delete" Statements using SQLExec function.
  • False positive violations occur.
  • False negative violations occur.
  • Discrepancy between defect count values displayed in the legacy CAST Engineering Dashboad and in the CAST Engineering Dashboard/Application Enginnering Dashboard.
The issues are fixed.

PeopleSoft 5.1.2 - funcrel

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionSituationSymptomsNew behaviour
PPSFT-163-Compatibility of DMT plugins with 8.2Using the package for existing extractions with AIP 8.2

When you run the package action, an error message "An error has occurred during command processing" is displayed. In the details, you can see :
java.lang.SecurityException:class "com.castsoftware.dmt.extractor.squirrel.SquirrelExtractor"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package.

MDA files specific to CAST AIP 8.2.x are now delivered with the extension and must be activated manually.
PPSFT-827887Snapshot completed but the discrimination of Vanilla objects in the dashboard does not occur.When running a snapshot and looking at the results in the CAST Dashboards.Snapshot completed but the discrimination of Vanilla objects in the dashboard does not occur.Discrimination is now showing.

PeopleSoft 5.1.1 - funcrel

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionSituationSymptomsNew behaviour
PPSFT-160-Discrimination fails with a PSOFT-108 sql errorUsing version 5.1.0-funcrelThe snapshot is computed but empty. The log for end application shows the error message PSOFT-108The computation is good after the execution of the analysis

PeopleSoft 5.1.0 - funcrel

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionSituationSymptomsNew behaviour

Extraction error "Invalid identification group value: null, row skipped" for links on Component:

Many error messages "Invalid identification group value: null, row skipped"

The extraction was done with the config file corresponding to the one included on the version 5.0.xMany error messages displayed in the log: "Invalid identification group value: null, row skipped".All error messages corresponding to components are removed.

Events are not counted in LOC:

Using PeopleSoft extension 5.0.x to compute the snapshot.The number of lines of code is very low.The number of lines of code reflects the peoplecode which has been modified or added.

PeopleSoft 5.1.0 - alpha 1

None: alpha release.