This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.
Summary: this section describes how to manage the analysis of your PeopleSoft applications in the CAST Management Studio, following delivery of the source code.

The analysis process for your PeopleSoft applications is designed to work with the two analysis services that were created earlier (see PeopleSoft 5.0 - Installation):

  • PSOFT5_V_LOCAL: Analysis Service that will store the analysis results for the Vanilla repository
  • PSOFT5_LOCAL: Analysis Service that will store the analysis results for the Project repository

Please note that the following document refers to SQL scripts delivered in text files with the extension. These files are located here and are delivered for both Oracle and CAST Storage Service implementations:

Archive (5.0.0 - 5.0.1)
  • ToBeUsedForConfigurationInCMS/CSS
  • ToBeUsedForConfigurationInCMS/Oracle
Nuget (5.0.2)
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.peoplesoft.<version>\InstallScripts\CastStorageService\DIAG\CMS
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.peoplesoft.<version>\InstallScripts\Oracle\DIAG\CMS

Analysis setup for Project

  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Validate and choose the connection profile for PSOFT5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)
  • Click Next to start the setup wizard

  • Enter the CAST License Key:

  • Configure the two folders for the delivery and the deployment of the source code. The "Source Delivery" folder must be the exact same folder as the folder configured during the setup of the CAST AIC Portal:

  • Click Finish to launch the CAST Management Studio.

Configure CAST Management Studio preferences

Once the CAST Management Studio has launched, open Windows/Preferences and define the Cast General settings:

  • Log Root Directory: you should select a dedicated folder for the current PSOFT5_MNGT Management Service
  • Large intermediate storage area: you should select a dedicated folder for the current PSOFT5_MNGT Management Service
  • Large temporary storage area: you should select a dedicated folder for the current PSOFT5_MNGT Management Service
  • Audience: select Advanced

Import the Assessment Model

  • Open the Dashboard Service editor for the Dashboard Service (PSOFT5_CENTRAL) that is associated to the Management Service you are currently connected to.
  • Click the Import Assessment Model option - the Assessment Model will then be displayed in the CAST Management Studio in the Assessment Models view.

Re-attach the Complexity - Functional Evolvabilty Technical Criterion

The Technical Criterion "Complexity - Functional Evolvabilty" is delivered out of the box as "detached" (which will mean that the criterion and any child Quality Rules will be ignored), however, the PeopleSoft analysis requires this Technical Criterion and its child Quality Rules, therefore you must ensure that you re-attach it as follows:

  • In the CAST Management Studio, move to the Assessment Models view and double click the imported Assessment Model. It will open in an editor.
  • Click the Technical Criteria tab as shown below:

  • Scroll down until you locate the "Complexity - Functional Evolvabilty" Technical Criterion - you can see that there is a tick in the "Detached" column:

  • Double click the Technical Criterion to open it in its own editor, then tick the Attach option as shown below:

Analysis setup for Vanilla

  • If the CAST Management Studio is already running and you are connected to PSOFT5_MNGT (i.e. the Project), quit the CAST Management Studio.
  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Validate and choose the connection profile for PSOFT5_V_MNGT (i.e. the Vanilla)
  • Repeat the entire section (including all sub-sections) entitled "Analysis setup for Project" as described above. Ensure that you work with the CAST schemas that have been defined for the Vanilla: PSOFT5_V_CENTRAL and PSOFT5_V_LOCAL

Manage and run the analysis for Vanilla

  • While still connected to PSOFT5_V_MNGT (i.e. the Vanilla) in the CAST Management Studio, in the Application view, click Manage an Application registered in AIC Portal….
  • The wizard displays all available applications. Select the "Vanilla" application:

Accept delivery and use it as current version

Select the Version and then click the Manage the delivery… option to open the CAST DMT. Check the packaging is correct:

  • The Content state of the package should be showing Packaging successful
  • In the Package content tab, you should see one project named Vanilla for the PeopleSoft Extractor Project type:

  • Quit the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.
  • Back in the CAST Management Studio, select the Version and click Accept delivery and use it as current version. You should use the default values in the wizard that is displayed.
Note that this procedure can take a long time as it deploys the source code. If you want to increase the speed, you should deactivate any real-time anti-virus scanning that may be configured on the Deployment folder.

Configure the Content Enrichment

In the Application editor, click the Content Enrichment tab.

PeopleSoft UA objects

This configuration is only required for supported versions of CAST AIP when using PeopleSoft 5.0.0. For PeopleSoft 5.0.1 and above, this configuration is not required as it is already included in the extension.
  • Create a SQL tool under Tools after analysis to update some metrics.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy the following statement into the SQL section:
Insert into §objpro (idobj,idpro,prop)
Select distinct t1.idkey,t3.idpro,0
From §keys t1
Join §keypar t2 on (t2.idkey = t1.idkey)
Join §objpro t3 on (t3.idobj = t2.idparent)
join §keys t4 on (t4.idkey = t3.idpro)
Where t1.objtyp in (1600673, 1600999)
and t4.objtyp=1600003
and t4.keynam not like '%PeopleSoft' -- not in the UA subset
And not exists (select 1
From §objpro op
Where op.idobj = t1.idkey
And op.idpro = t4.idkey)
    • There are no variables to define.

PeopleSoft Metrics Update

  • Create a SQL Tool under Tools after analysis to update some metrics.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Vanilla_ContentEnrichment_1_SQL_PeopleSoft Metrics Update.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • There is no variable to define.

PeopleSoft Content Enrichment

  • Create a Universal Importer tool under Tools after analysis to create additional links.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Vanilla_ContentEnrichment_2_UI_PeopleSoft Content Enrichment.txt"provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • set the Group Name to "PSOFT_TECHNICAL".
    • There is no variable to define.
  • Activate the Drop data after import option.

Run analysis

  • Check that the services are correctly defined and then run an analysis of the Application using the Run Analysis Only option:

Post analysis checks

  • Check the log files - please see the documentation here for more information about this.

Manage and run the analysis for Project

  • If the CAST Management Studio is already running and you are connected to PSOFT5_MNGT (i.e. the Project), quit the CAST Management Studio.
  • Run the CAST Management Studio
  • Choose the connection profile for PSOFT5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)
  • In the Application view, click Manage an Application registered in AIC Portal…. The wizard displays all available applications. Select the "Project" application:

Accept delivery and use it as current version

Select the Version and then click the Manage the delivery… option to open the CAST DMT. Check the packaging is correct

  • The Content state of the package should be showing Packaging successful
  • In the Package content tab, you should see one project named Project for the PeopleSoft Extractor Project type:

  • Quit the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.
  • Back in the CAST Management Studio, select the Version and click Accept delivery and use it as current version. You should use the default values in the wizard that is displayed.
Note that this procedure can take a long time as it deploys the source code. If you want to increase the speed, you should deactivate any real-time anti-virus scanning that may be configured on the Deployment folder.

Configure the Assessment Model

  • Open the imported Assessment Model and check that the parameter settings for the PeopleSoft quality rules are adapted to your project.
  • To do so, go to the Contextual Parameters tab and search for names that start with "PeopleSoft:"
Note that the Search may not function correctly - if this is the case, please quit the CAST Management Studio and then re-run it (ensuring that you connect to PSOFT5_MNGT (i.e. the Project)

  • To check or modify a parameter, edit the parameter - this will open the parameter in an editor window. For example, for the naming conventions, edit the parameters "PeopleSoft: Prefix XXX".

  • Check the following tables and modify each parameter to the value defined in the Project value column.

Multiple values, char: as they are related to naming convention, they must be adapted to the project

(external ID)

Rule name

Parameter name

Default value

Project value


PeopleSoft: Naming convention on Search Record 

Suffix PeopleSoft Search





PeopleSoft: Naming convention on Language Record Table 

Suffix PeopleSoft Language Record Table






PeopleSoft: Naming convention on Language Record View

Suffix PeopleSoft Language Record View




1600396PeopleSoft: Naming convention on AE State RecordSuffix PeopleSoft AE State Record _AET 
1600398PeopleSoft: Naming convention on AE Temporary RecordSuffix PeopleSoft AE Temp Record



1600400PeopleSoft: Naming convention suffix on Record ViewSuffix PeopleSoft Record View _VW 
1600402PeopleSoft: Naming convention suffix on Record DerivedSuffix PeopleSoft Record Derived





PeopleSoft : Create all new Record Table in a specific tablespace

PeopleSoft: Tablespace for Record View




PeopleSoft: Create all new Record Temp in a specific tablespace

PeopleSoft: Tablespace for Record View






PeopleSoft: Naming convention on Record Table


PeopleSoft: Naming convention on URL

PeopleSoft: Prefix for XXX



Single value, numerical: As a first approach, you can stick to the default values

(external ID)

Rule name

Parameter name

Default value

Project Value


PeopleSoft: All new Translate value shoud be at dd/mm/yyyy

PeopleSoft: Effective date




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Event with High Cyclomatic

PeopleSoft: Max CC in Event




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Functions with High Cyclomatic

PeopleSoft: Max CC in Function




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Methods with High Cyclomatic

PeopleSoft: Max CC in Method




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Classes with High Cyclomatic

PeopleSoft: Max CC in Class




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Events with a low comment/code ratio

PeopleSoft: Min % Comment in Event




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Functions with a low comment/code ratio

PeopleSoft: Min % Comment in Function




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Methods with a low comment/code ratio

PeopleSoft: Min % Comment in Method




PeopleSoft: Avoid PeopleCode Classes with a low comment/code ratio

PeopleSoft: Min % Comment in Class




PeopleSoft: Avoid too many Related displays

PeopleSoft: Max related display




PeopleSoft: Avoid tables having indexes with a too large index definition

PeopleSoft: Max index size




PeopleSoft: Pages should be designed assuming the user has an 800x600 monitor resolution

PeopleSoft: Page Width



  PeopleSoft: Page Height600 


PeopleSoft: Developers should avoid developing web pages that result in horizontal scrollingPeopleSoft: Page Width Max




PeopleSoft: Developers should not build long pages that are longer than 5 pages

PeopleSoft: Page Height Max



1600648 PeopleSoft: Avoid use a radio button or check box when the user has more than three choices PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record VieweopleSoft: Max choices3 
1601800PeopleSoft: Record Table should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record Table


1601802PeopleSoft: Record View should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record ViewEF 
1601804 PeopleSoft: Record Derived should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record DerivedEF 
1601806 PeopleSoft: Record Sub should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record SubEF 
1601808 PeopleSoft: Record Dynamic should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record DynamicEF 
1601810 PeopleSoft: Record Query should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record QueryEF 
1601812 PeopleSoft: Record Temp should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record TempEF 
1601814 PeopleSoft: Field should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Record TempEF 
1601816 PeopleSoft: Page should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in PageEF 
1601818 PeopleSoft: Sub Page should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Sub PageEF 
1601820 PeopleSoft: Secondary Page should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Secondary PageEF 
1601822 PeopleSoft: SQL should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in SQLEF 
1601824 PeopleSoft: Component Interface should have a OwnerIDPeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Component InterfaceEF 
1601826 PeopleSoft: Application Engine should have a OwnerIDPeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Application EngineEF 
1601828 PeopleSoft: Package should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in PackageEF 
1601830 PeopleSoft: Mobile Page should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Mobile PageEF 
1601832 PeopleSoft: Component should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in ComponentEF 
1601834 PeopleSoft: Menu should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in MenuEF 
1601836 PeopleSoft: Popup Menu should have a OwnerID PeopleSoft: Prefix for Owner ID in Popup MenuEF 
1600760 PeopleSoft: Avoid Classes with more than X Methods PeopleSoft: Max Number Method in Class30 
1600762 PeopleSoft: Avoid Records Tables with more than X Fields PeopleSoft: Max Number Field in Record Table


1600764 PeopleSoft: Avoid Records Views with more than X Fields PeopleSoft: Max Number Field in Record View80 
1600766 PeopleSoft: PeopleSoft: Avoid Records Derived with more than X Fields PeopleSoft: Max Number Field in Record Derived60 
1600768 PeopleSoft: PeopleSoft: Avoid Sub-records with more than X Fields PeopleSoft: Max Number Field in Record Sub20 
1600770 PeopleSoft: Avoid Pages with more than X linked Records Max PeopleSoft: Max Number Linked Record in Page4 
1600772  PeopleSoft: Avoid Pages with more than X linked PagesPeopleSoft: Max Number Linked Page in Page2 
1600774  PeopleSoft: Avoid Methods with too many parametersPeopleSoft: Max Number Parameter in Method5 

Configure the Content Enrichment

In the Application editor, click the Content Enrichment tab.

PeopleSoft UA objects

This configuration is only required for CAST AIP 7.3.x

  • Create a SQL tool under Tools after analysis to update some metrics.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy the following statement into the SQL section:
Insert into §objpro (idobj,idpro,prop)
Select distinct t1.idkey,t3.idpro,0
From §keys t1
Join §keypar t2 on (t2.idkey = t1.idkey)
Join §objpro t3 on (t3.idobj = t2.idparent)
join §keys t4 on (t4.idkey = t3.idpro)
Where t1.objtyp in (1600673, 1600999)
and t4.objtyp=1600003
and t4.keynam not like '%PeopleSoft' -- not in the UA subset
And not exists (select 1
From §objpro op
Where op.idobj = t1.idkey
And op.idpro = t4.idkey) 
  • There is no variable to define.

PeopleSoft Metrics Update

  • Create a SQL tool under Tools after analysis to update some metrics.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_1_SQL_PeopleSoft Metrics Update.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • There is no variable to define.

PeopleSoft Content Enrichment

  • Create a Universal Importer tool under Tools after analysis to create additional links.
  • In the Parameters tab:
    • copy and paste into the SQL section, the SQL from the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_2_UI_PeopleSoft Content Enrichment.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • set the Group Name to "PSOFT_TECHNICAL".
    • There is no variable to define.
  • Activate the Drop data after import option.

PeopleSoft Vanilla Import

  • Create an SQL Tool under Tools after analysis to import data from the Vanilla's analysis service.
  • Use the template provided in the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_3_SQL_PeopleSoft Vanilla Import.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS) and paste the SQL into the SQL section in the Parameters tab:

  • Now move to the Variables tab and add a variable:
    • Value = the name of the analysis service (in our example, PSOFT5_V_LOCAL)

PeopleSoft Discrimination with Vanilla

  • Create an SQL Tool under Tools after analysis to compute the discrimination between the Vanilla and the Project.
  • Use the template provided in the file "Project_ContentEnrichment_4_SQL_PeopleSoft Discrimination with Vanilla.txt" provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page (use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS) and paste the SQL into the SQL section in the Parameters tab:

If VANILLA_SCHEMA (in our example, PSOFT5_V_LOCAL) has been reinstalled in server manager ( to update PeopleSoft extension or to manage any other extension ...) just before this step, keep in mind that the custom tables are recreated, all data will be overwritten and lost. So you have to rerun the SQL Tool after analysis (Content Enrichment) on  VANILLA_SCHEMA. It will populate again the custom tables used for the discrimination step on PROJECT_SCHEMA



  • In the Application editor, click the Modules tab.
  • Untick all options under Generate one module per:

  • Now create User Defined Modules as follows (the text files are provided in the extension as explained at the top of this page - use the text file that corresponds to your chosen CAST AIP environment - i.e. CSS).
    • Two modules for the entire PeopleSoft repository: this allows specific quality rules (like deadcode) to be executed and to check the quality rules on all objects
      • REPOSITORY_ADDED: use the template "Project_Module_REPOSITORY_ADDED.txt"
      • REPOSITORY_MODIFIED : use the template "Project_Module_REPOSITORY_MODIFIED.txt"

  • For all these modules, remove the default Object Filter from the Filters tab and activate the option Build module content using an explicit list of objects in the Explicit content tab:
  • Enter the appropriate query provided in the template txt file for EACH Module:

Generate a snapshot

  • Check that the services are correctly defined and take a snapshot of the application.

Post snapshot checks

  • Check the log files.
  • Check the results in the CAST dashboards.