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PHP 1.1.3

PHP 1.1.3 contains all bug fixes from the following previous releases:

  • All legacy releases
  • 1.0.x 
  • 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

The following table lists all bugs fixed in PHP 1.1.3:

R&D IDTicket IDSummaryComments
PHP-5679217Missing Links between methods and classes result in false violations

This fixes a bug where the following Quality Rules were falsely being violated:

  • Avoid unreferenced classes (PHP)
  • Avoid unreferenced PHP files (PHP)

The false violations were due to missing links between PHP methods and PHP classes.

This bug has now been corrected and after an upgrade to PHP 1.1.3 and the generation of a post upgrade snapshot, results may differ: reduced number of false positives, increased links between PHP methods and classes.


8637False positive for the rule "Avoid unreferenced PHP Files (PHP)"

This fixes a bug where the following Quality Rule were falsely being violated:

  • Avoid unreferenced PHP files (PHP)

This bug caused a PHP file to be listed as violating the Quality Rule, but its class was being referenced in another PHP file and therefore should not have violated the Quality Rule.

This bug has now been corrected and after an upgrade to PHP 1.1.3 and the generation of a post upgrade snapshot, results may differ: reduced number of false positives.

PHP 1.1.2

PHP 1.1.2 contains all bug fixes from the following previous releases:

  • All legacy releases
  • 1.0.x 
  • 1.1.0, 1.1.1

The following table lists all bugs fixed in PHP 1.1.2:

R&D IDTicket IDSummary
PHP-486 7735[ENGIE] [Portail Fournisseur] [PBC] : Analysis stuck when running PHP and HTML5 at the same time
PHP-4697144Permanent fix - Incorrect false checks computation for the quality rule Avoid Select * in queries (PHP)
PHP-467 Regression: PHP1.1.1: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument error while analysis customer source for PHP
PHP-4717197[ORANGE][BDREF][8.1.1][Onboarding][BHN] - PHP analysis stuck at Starting External Link Processing
PHP-964118False violation for rule - Avoid using $row[xxx] (PHP)

PHP 1.1.1

PHP 1.1.1 contains all bug fixes from the following previous releases:

  • All legacy releases
  • 1.0.x
  • 1.1.0

The following table lists all bugs fixed in PHP 1.1.1:

R&D IDTicket IDSummaryComments



Warning on python file during PHP analysis 


PHP Symfony - missing links to the database

The extension currently uses the "UA External linker" to create the links between the objects. This "External linker" only creates links through a StringMatch, and
if it matches the object name then it will create a link to that object. It cannot currently create a link according to the object on which the method was called.
As such, this is a limitation of the current extension and will cause the creation of false links between objects.

These links can be ignored with DLM.



PHP Symfony - Missing links between methods impacting FP results


PHP Symfony - ESQL warning



5653USSD - missing links between PHP methods 


5933USSD - Class marked as dead code but their methods are called 

PHP 1.1.0

PHP 1.1.0 contains all bug fixes from the following previous releases:

  • All legacy releases
  • 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.

The following table lists all bugs fixed in PHP 1.1:

R&D IDTicket IDSummary
PHP-399 Missing link between two PHP methods
PHP-202 PHP : No link between PHP objects and DB objects when ` character is used in select statement