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This page explains the support of the Node.js MQTT framework.

Controller.js defines a publisher with a messenger:

function openGarageDoor () {
  // can only open door if we're connected to mqtt and door isn't already open
  if (connected && garageState !== 'open') {
    // Ask the door to open
    client.publish('garage/open', 'true')

function closeGarageDoor () {
  // can only close door if we're connected to mqtt and door isn't already closed
  if (connected && garageState !== 'closed') {
    // Ask the door to close
    client.publish('garage/close', 'true')

garage.js defines a subscriber as:

client.on('connect', () => {

  // Inform controllers that garage is connected
  client.publish('garage/connected', 'true')

client.on('message', (topic, message) => {
  console.log('received message %s %s', topic, message)
  switch (topic) {
    case 'garage/open':
      return handleOpenRequest(message)
    case 'garage/close':
      return handleCloseRequest(message)

This will give the following result:

Click to enlarge