This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

On this page:


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26040Extension com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: RuntimeError: invalid type name: 'CAST_NodeJS_AWS_Lambda_ANY'


Other Updates

False positive for QR avoid call to webservices in loops
Rules targeting the Express framework have been updated to correct the scope of objects that they cover. This update will result in a change in the Compliance value recorded in the Engineering Dashboard when a new snapshot is generated on unchanged source code - rules that were previously stating 0% Compliance will now show a higher Compliance value.



This release of the extension contains a large number of rule related improvements, which will have a significant impact on any existing analysis results generated with a previous release of the extension. When re-analyzing existing and unchanged source code with this new extension, you should therefore expect grade and violation changes. When using AIP Console, if you do not want this extension to be used, you should ensure that you implement an extension strategy to prevent the automatic download and installation of the extension. If you are onboarding a new application, CAST actively encourages you to use this new release to take advantage of the improvements that have been implemented.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020706FALSEEnsure the Content-Security-Policy is activated (Node.js)
1020710FALSEEnsure the X-XSS-Protection header is enabled
1020712FALSEEnsure the X-Frame-Options header is setup (Node.js)
1020720FALSEAvoid unsecure connection to the Node.js server
1020722FALSEAvoid enabling unsecure Node.js server
1020726FALSEEnsure that CSRF Protection is enabled (Node.js)
1020728FALSEAvoid creating cookie without setting httpOnly option (Node.js)
1020734FALSEAvoid using unsecured cookie (Node.js)
1020736FALSEAvoid bypassing self-signed ssl certificate (Node.js)
1020740FALSEAvoid creating cookie with overly broad path (Node.js)
1020732FALSEAvoid using risky cryptographic hash (Node.js)
1020742FALSEAvoid creating cookie with overly broad domain (Node.js)
1020744FALSEAvoid using TLS library before Node.js 9.11.2 and 10.4.1
1020746FALSEAvoid using HTTP/2 library with vulnerable versions
1020750FALSEAvoid using the file path validation with Node.js 8.5.0
1020758FALSEAvoid using Buffer.fill() and/or Buffer.alloc() with vulnerable versions
1020760FALSEAvoid using Buffer library and UCS-2 encoding with vulnerable versions
1020762FALSEAvoid using url.parse() with vulnerable versions
1020764FALSEAvoid using path library parsing functions with vulnerable versions
1020766FALSEAvoid using Node.js ps library with vulnerable versions
1020768FALSEAvoid using net.Socket object as stream with vulnerable version of Node.js
1020770FALSEAvoid using Node.js query-mysql third-party before 0.0.3
1020704FALSEAvoid using string concatenation when using __dirname and __filename