This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

On this page:


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
27115Missing link between NODE-JS operation to JS function


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26135Extension com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: IndexError: string index out of range


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26040Extension com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: RuntimeError: invalid type name: 'CAST_NodeJS_AWS_Lambda_ANY'



Node.js - 2.3.2 is now in LTS (Long Term Support).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24720Broken link between HTML5 Javascript function and NodeJS MongoDB Collection.
23004Extension com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue
23785HTML analysis getting crashed while analyzing .js file

Other Updates

com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: found duplicate key "<<"
com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'values'
com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: ScannerError: while scanning for the next token found character '@' that cannot start any token
com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue
com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: ReaderError: unacceptable character #x0080: special characters are not allowed
com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: ScannerError: while scanning for the next token
fallback to UTF-8 encoding if open_source_file does not get it right


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24212Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow, line 217 in get_require_declaration.
24667Missing NodeJS Express operation
23507Extension Node.js has encountered an issue
23956Extension Node.js has encountered an issue ReaderError: unacceptable character #x0080:special characters are not allowed in "<unicode string>"

Other Updates

StackOverflow on some app

New Support

Support for Node.js v14Node.js - 2.3.1-funcrel supports Node.js v14.


Updated the extension to funcrel.


New Quality Rules

Following table lists the new quality rules added in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-258Avoid using serialize-to-js 0.5.0 with Node.js
APLNJS-260Avoid using moment before 2.19.3 with Node.js

Resolved issues

Following table lists the bug resolved in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-255NodeJS analysis is failing with error "Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow"


Resolved issues

Following table lists the bug resolved in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-252Extension com.castsoftware.nodejs has encountered an issue: KeyError: 'provider'



Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-241Support of serverless config file with a different name

New Quality Rules

Following table lists the new quality rules added in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-247Avoid using Node.js synchronous FileSystem API without try/catch block
APLNJS-248Avoid using Buffer deprecated APIs
APLNJS-250Avoid using node-serialize 0.0.4 with Node.js

Resolved issues

Following table lists the bugs resolved in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-244HTML5 analysis failed with error in NodeJS - Analysis Runner stopped working. This was caused by a recursion overflow in the analyzer



Internal IDSummary

Add support for Elasticsearch

Resolved issues

Following table lists the bugs resolved in this release.

Internal IDSummary
APLNJS-232[com.castsoftware.nodejs] Seneca.add() could not be analysed
CAST recommends using this extension with HTML5 and JavaScript ≥ 2.0.0 for the best result.