This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where the log contained tracebacks and messages such as "Nosqljava extension has encountered an issue" leading to loss of objects and links.
Improved transaction and exception handling.
The following jar files provided in the extension have been upgraded to more recent releases: jedis-4.3.2.jar, spring-data-redis-2.7.7.jar, and spring-data-commons-2.7.7.jar. Other unused jar files have been removed.

New Support

New API support in Elastic SearchSupport for 'deleteAsync' API belonging to 'RestHighLevelClient' added.
New API support in CosmosSupport for 'upsertDocument' API belonging to 'DocumentClient' added.
New objects of collections for Couchbase spring applicationsAdded resolution to fetch and add new objects of collections for Couchbase spring applications.
New API Support for MemcachedSupport extended for getBulk and asyncGetBulk APIs of MemcachedClient.
New API Support for DynamoDBSupport extended for the following APIs: putItemWithResponse, updateItemWithResponse and deleteItemWithResponse of DynamoDbTable.
Support for Lettuce in Redis JavaImplemented support for Redis Java Lettuce applications. New set of Connection, Collection and CRUD APIs are added.
Support for @RedisHash Domain in Redis SpringExtended support for CrudRepository and JpaRepository applications, which are created using @RedisHash annotated Domains. Respective CRUD APIs are added.


Other Updates

Fixed an issue related to metamodel_purgetype(integer). While creating a triplet containing nosqljava following error message was displayed “function metamodel_purgetype(integer) does not exist.”


Other Updates

Improved resolution in Elasticsearch indices and Mongo collections when {class_name}.class is used as function argument.
Fixes a bug in Memcached. Missing Bookmarks are added.
Improved resolution by supporting java string methods 'StringBuilder', 'ToString', and 'AppendLine'.
Added support to resolve Couchbase 3.x query.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
39547Resolved jar vulnerabilities.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
38987Resolved Unknown collection objects in Mongo framework.

Other Updates

Bug fixed in Memcached. The objects of type 'Java Memcached Data' were getting linked to wrong 'Java Memcached Connection' objects in case of multiple clients.
Resolution improved in Elasticsearch by supporting java string methods: 'String.format', 'String.substring' and 'String.lastIndexOf'.
Improved transactions in Cosmos framework.
Resolution improved in Memcached by supporting java string methods: 'String.format', 'String.substring' and 'String.lastIndexOf'.


Other Updates

Object collections are made visible for module creation.


Other Updates

Improved the transactions, removed unnecessary logs and made general code improvements.
Added AWS region as a property in DynamoDB.


Other Updates

Support for methods 'String.Format', 'String.substring' and 'String.lastIndexOf' are added for Java applications using MongoDB and Amazon DocumentDB.

New Support

Support for Amazon DocumentDBAdded support for Amazon DocumentDB version 3.6 and 4.0. See for more information.


Other Updates

Fixed some issues where unnecessary objects were created.
Fixed an issue where the log contained the message: "Nosqljava extension has encountered an issue" leading to loss of objects and links.
Code improvements done to avoid exceptions.


New Support

Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 supportAdded new support for Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4.


Other Updates

Bug fix issue related to quality rule violation


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34003Fixed an issue causing an error during extension upgrade by adding two new metamodels.


Other Updates

Removing the dependency to the JEE Analyzer extension.
Adding dependency to WBS Linker extension 1.7.6 due to changes in metamodel inheritance for CAST_Java_DynamoDB_Table.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34086Fixed an issue where unexpected Java Mongo collections objects are created and where the log contains "Extension com.castsoftware.nosqljava has encountered an issue".
34090Fixed an issue where the log contained "Nosql java extension has encountered an issue" leading to loss of mongodb collection objects.
34105Fixed an issue where Mongo DB Collection objects were created from a connection in a different Java project.

Other Updates

Fixed the issue "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_children'".
Added GUID for all nosqljava objects.

New Support

New API supportSupport for APIs belonging to Mongo Collection of com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection.


Other Updates

Fixed the issue of total check lower than failed check


Other Updates

Removal of unwanted MongoDB connection/database/collection objects.
Testing client application for Redis.
Testing client application for MongoDB.


Other Updates

Increased resolution for connection and collection names used in Redis.

New Support

Support for hash and set operations in Redis template.Support for hash and set operation APIs, which increase the Redis template coverage.


New Support

Support for Query Methods with Query AnnotationSupport for Query Methods with Query Annotation in MongoDB, Cosmos DB, Couchbase, DynamoDB and Elasticsearch Spring data
Support for Jest Elasticsearch ClientSupport for Jest Elasticsearch Client in Java SDK


Other Updates

Increased resolution for cluster and indices used in Elasticsearch.
DynamoDB Links improvement.
Increased resolution for connection and collection names used in Redis.

New Support

Support for ReactiveElasticsearchRepository and QueryMethodsSupport for CRUD operations and batch operations performed using ReactiveElasticsearchReposityory and QueryMethods
Support for APIs such as execute in Elasticsearch Java SDKSupport for execute and fieldcaps API of Elasticsearch JavaSDK has been provided. This improves the transaction accuracy.
Support for Jedis commands and transactionsSupport for Jedis commands and transactions is provided which increases the transaction coverage.


Other Updates

Support for multiple buckets in Java SDK for Couchbase.

New Support

Support for AWS SDK Java v2Support for CRUD (and batch) operations using AWS SDK Java v2 and Enhanced client for DynamoDB.
Support for DynamoDB MapperSupport for CRUD operations and batch operations performed using DynamoDB Mapper AWS SDK Java v1.
Support for Couchbase operation and templateSupport for CRUD operations performed using Couchbase Operation and Template (Spring Framework).
Support for Cosmos DB operation and templateSupport for CRUD operations performed using Cosmos DB Operation and Template (Spring Framework).


Other Updates

Improved resolution for buckets and cluster thereby improving transactions. Resolution for buckets and clusters have been improved. This improves the transaction accuracy.

New Support

Support for Couchbase Java SDK 3.xProvided support for collections introduced in Java SDK 3.x for Couchbase


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
29724Java Calls are linked to Unknown Mongo DB Collections not the actual Collection defined.
Callee TypeCaller TypeDetails
Cosmos DB CollectionJava MethodEarlier, due to limited resolution, crud links in spring framework cosmosdb were getting created between unknown collections and java methods. With improved resolution, crud link is now created between the appropriate collection and the correct java method.

New Support

Query Methods Support for Cosmos DB Spring FrameworkQuery methods result in linking between Java methods and the appropriate cosmosdb collection.

Performance Improvements

CRUD Links for MongoDB spring were also getting created even if only Cosmos DB was used. This has been rectified, links get created only for the db which is used in the app.


Other Updates

Identification of Memcache connection and database objects Improved

New Support

API Support for newer versions of libraries in MongoDB.Support is full provided for all versions of Mongo-spring-data and Jongo Libraries. The support is till version 3.2 for MongoDB-java library. The support covers identification of Connection and Database Object and links for CRUD Operations.


Other Updates

Changes done for MongoDB. Added Support to improve better resolution of Collection, Database, Connection Objects. Added Missing CRUD Links from Methods without Parameters. Classified the CRUD links from Query Methods in a better way.