This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
44690Fixes an issue which was causing the analysis to hang during the "comparing objects" step (part of the saving process).

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the generation of incorrect code bookmarks for Access Read and Access Write links to Cobol Literal objects generated by statements with more than two operands.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
8030FALSERemove false positive violation during a valid "MOVE" operation for the rule "Check alphanumeric data before moving it into numeric data".


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
44317Fix missing link between DB2 Table and JCL JOB.
44240Fix missing link to program with call dynamically.

Other Updates

Fix missing the mathematical "-" operator in SQL Query.
Correct bookmark for Access Read and Access Write links generated by the statement in some specified cases
Fix an issue causing the analysis to fail during saving phase with the error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pk_keysidkey"".

New Support

MAINFRAME-944Extension SDK. Support access to "RENAME".
MAINFRAME-964Create "Unknown JCL DATASET" objects when the DATASET referenced in the DSNAME of a CICS DATASET cannot be not found.


Other Updates

A change has been made to ensure that one single source code bookmark is now generated to cover the entire ADD, SUBSTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, COMPUTE, SET, STRING, UNSTRING statement. Previously individual bookmarks were created for the Access Read and Access Write links generated by the statement.
Use Prototype link instead of Match link for link from Cobol File Link to DDS Physical file.
Extension SDK. Fixes the incorrect parent AST of nested programs.
Extension SDK. Support access to "DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA".
Improved resolution of GDG datasets: Only one occurrence of the GDG dataset will be created, the version/generation will be added as a property for the link accessing the GDG dataset.

New Support

Support INDEX BY statementA new object type "Cobol Index" is created to represent the index of Cobol data using INDEX BY statements.
Support PROCESSING PROCEDURE statementA link between paragraphs is created when they are referenced in PROCESSING PROCEDURE statements.


Other Updates

A change has been implemented to support the creation of links between Mainframe (Cobol File Link objects) and RPG technologies (Physical file/Logical file/Display file/Printer file). Requires com.castsoftware.wbslinker ≥ 1.7.27. See

New Support

Support EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND PROGRAMAdd link to Cobol Program objects when they are called by the "EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND PROGRAM" statement. See
Support EXEC CICS LOADAdd link to Cobol Program objects when they are called by the "EXEC CICS LOAD" statement. See


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
43292Fixes an issue causing missing links between JCL and Cobol objects.

Other Updates

Add two new radio toggle options (available in CAST Console in the "Data to generate" section under Config > Mainframe): "Save Cobol literal" and "Save Cobol Conditional test" - enabling these options will ensure that this type of data is saved during the analysis. By default these options are disabled and require AIP Core ≥ 8.3.54 and Console ≥ 2.10. See
Add one new radio toggle option (available in CAST Console in the "Data to generate" section under Config > Mainframe): "Save only Referenced Data" - this option is enabled by default and ensures that Cobol data in copybooks within a Cobol program will be saved only if it is referenced (used) by other objects. If disabled, all Cobol data in copybooks within a Cobol program is saved regardless of whether it is referenced or not. This option requires AIP Core ≥ 8.3.54 and Console ≥ 2.10. See


New Support

Support added for CICS WebservicesTwo new objects "CICS Webservice" and "Call To CICS Webservice" are added to represent CICS Webservice functionality. See for more information.