This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26013Maven HTTP packaging of an application is failing with an error java.lang.StackOverflowError
26722Maven HTTP packaging of an application took 4 days to finish
27021Artifacts missing in current version when compared with last version


Other Updates

DMT is not able to parse the ojdbc6- file due to some format issues


Other Updates

Switch default Maven Central URL to HTTPS to avoid HTTP 501 rejection since 15 january 2020. Impact: The Maven default repository URL is changed to HTTPS to avoid HTTP 501 rejection since 15 January 2020.
Extension naming and description on CAST Extend: must be aligned with new UI. Impact: Extension name is renamed to "DMT extractor for Maven repository on HTTP or HTTPS or File System", to align with the new feature added to combine the remote maven repository and maven repository on file system.



UI option 'Maven Http repository' is renamed to 'Maven repository'. Maven HTTP Extractor now becomes Maven Extractor, which combines the capabilities of the old Maven HTTP Extractor and of the legacy Maven Extractor on your file system. As impact of this functionality change, the existing UI option 'Maven HTTP repository' is renamed to 'Maven repository'.

Other Updates

HTTP maven repository does not support proxy. Impact: The HTTP maven repository will be able to connect to the Maven url, when proxy is installed on machine. The user now has option 'Proxy' on UI, where they can check this option and enable input for proxyHost and proxyPort.
During extraction, consider a list of Repository servers, instead of a unique URL. Impact: This will remove the need of configuring multiple HTTP Maven resource packages, and speed up the extraction of the required artifacts (being extracted only from one repository, even when they are available in multiple ones). User will have option 'Additional Maven repositories' on UI, where they can enter the additional repository URLs along with the credential (if any).
Maven extractor should consider proxy pass for additional repositories. Impact: The proxy option is enabled for additional maven repositories.