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On this page:

Summary: This document provides information about changes and new features introduced in this release.



JFAMILY-756 - Log improvements

Improvements have been made to the analysis log:

  • some warnings are now only displayed in debug mode:
    • XML file format not matching any env profile
    • Annotation not managed
    • No parametrization trigger found
  • transitions between analysis steps are now clearly defined in the log.

Rule documentation improvements

The following improvements have been added to the rule documentation:

Internal IDRule IDRule NameChange implemented

Avoid thread creation for application running on application server

This rule has been tagged to state that it complies to "ASCRM-RLB-05: Runtime Resource Management Control Element in a Component Built to Run on Application Servers".
JFAMILY-7257150Favor PreparedStatement or CallableStatement over StatementRule description has been improved and enhanced.

Use declarative transaction

Rule description has been improved and enhanced.

Action Artifacts should not directly use database objects

Rule renamed to "Struts Action Artifacts should not directly use database objects".

JSP pages should only reference Java Objects associated to J2EE Scoped Bean

Description has been updated to better explain the rule.

Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDDescription

Link is found "internally escalated" whereas expected normal link


Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDDescription

JEE052: Syntax not recognized


The variable in lambda expression is not resolved


Many warnings related to "can not resolve type or variable in lambda expression"


JEE warning message 'can not resolve 'xxxx' as type or variable in lambda expression'


Incorrect and confusing naming for 22 new env profile files with extension.jar.blackbox.xml


Performance Issue when parsing JSP files


False Violation for QR- Avoid double checked locking


Java analysis completed with warning "Log the exception information: Unknown Exception..."


Analysis failed with fatal error "unable to process JEE analysis


False positive violation for the map and collect methods in QR-Avoid instantiations inside loops


False Positive -- QR "Pages should use error handling page"


Correction of QR description - Avoid using Fields (non static final) from other Classes- Missing violation


New violations reported for QR : "Pages should use error handling page" for jsp files which are not changed


Existing DLMs show up again as Un-reviewed post re-scan


DLM highlighting special characters and partial strings


Analysis fails with message"Unable to process JEE analysis, error in project"


False Violation for QR : Use lazy fetching for Collections


Fatal error caught during JEE analysis of file listJobs.xhtml : Warning saying "Unknown Exception"


JEE LOC 0 post migration


New features

Default activation of all supported Struts versions for Java analysis 

Since the release of the JEE Analyzer extension 1.0.0, all frameworks are activated by default and set to "latest" in the CAST Management Studio. In the JEE Analyzer extension 1.1, work has started to simplify this framework configuration process by activating support of the latest framework by default and not allowing the selection of a previous version of a framework in the CAST Management Studio.

In JEE Analyzer 1.1.0, the work has started with the Apache Struts framework:

  • All supported versions of the Apache Struts framework are now configured in one single environment profile that is active by default.
  • The corresponding "Struts" option in the CAST Management Studio will still exist, but changing the option will have no effect at all. The option will be removed in a future release of CAST AIP.

This work will continue in future releases of the JEE Analyzer.

eFile objects for html and js files are no longer created

The JEE analyzer will no longer create eFile objects for html and js files. This is to avoid the following situations:

  • getting duplicate objects cause by the creation of identical objects by the HTML5/JavaScript extension.
  • getting duplicate and empty transaction transactions.

Therefore, when upgrading to JEE Analyzer 1.1.0 and re-analyzing the same source code, you may find that your results change as follows:

  • reduced number of objects (but no duplications), therefore more accurate.
  • reduced number of empty and duplicate transactions, therefore more accurate.

Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDSummary


Activate Struts 1 and Struts 2 versions by default for JEE Analysis

[CASTONCAST] Transactions are incomplete because JEE Analyzer does not create links to "JPA Named Queries"


Avoid calling finalize() documentation - new naming style


QR Proper overriding of 'finalize()' documentation - new naming style


Many occurrences of the warning JAVA131 and this message is not documented


Avoid calling finalize() documentation - new naming style