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CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23 are compatible only with the latest releases of the JEE Analyzer extension, i.e. 1.0.28 and 1.2.10-funcrel. Using older releases of the extension with these CAST AIP Service Packs risks incomplete analysis results (missing objects, links, violations, erroneous FP values) for JEE and C++ analyses.

Therefore, when using CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23, please either:

  • Upgrade your JEE extension to a compatible release (i.e. ≥ 1.0.28 or ≥ 1.2.10-funcrel) OR
  • Upgrade CAST AIP to a more recent Service Pack (≥ 8.3.24) which are compatible with older releases of the JEE Analyzer extension

If upgrading the JEE Analyzer extension or CAST AIP is not possible, please contact CAST Technical Support


Performance improvements 

  • For moderate to large applications (having roughly more than 1000 Jars and/or 1000 XML configuration files), both JEE Analyzer's memory usage and XML configuration file/Jar file processing has been improved.
  • Analysis performance has been greatly improved in this release of the extension via the following tickets: JFAMILY-1247, JFAMILY-1248, JFAMILY-1252, JFAMILY-1257, JFAMILY-1330, JFAMILY-1355, JFAMILY-1366, JFAMILY-1371, JFAMILY-1372, JFAMILY-1375, JFAMILY-1376, JFAMILY-1387,  and JFAMILY-1418.
  • In the below table you can find a comparison of the analysis duration for an application (approximately 14,000 Java files, 3000 JSP, 2000 Jars & 1200 XML files) analyzed with JEE Analyzer 1.0.23 and 1.0.19, highlighting the performance improvements provided in this release:
JEE VersionAnalysis Duration
1.0.195h 23m 04s
1.0.231h 58m 07s

Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryImpact?
JFAMILY-1322-EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATIONNo exception during analysis
JFAMILY-1327-Java Analysis failed with the error “Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION”No exception during analysis
JFAMILY-1391-GPF when analysed <App> on jpaNo exception during analysis
JFAMILY-141019507False positive for rule "Persistent classes should Implement hashCode() and equals()" in case of use of Lombok annotations - @DataNo false positive for @Data annotation usage