This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23 are compatible only with the latest releases of the JEE Analyzer extension, i.e. 1.0.28 and 1.2.10-funcrel. Using older releases of the extension with these CAST AIP Service Packs risks incomplete analysis results (missing objects, links, violations, erroneous FP values) for JEE and C++ analyses.

Therefore, when using CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23, please either:

  • Upgrade your JEE extension to a compatible release (i.e. ≥ 1.0.28 or ≥ 1.2.10-funcrel) OR
  • Upgrade CAST AIP to a more recent Service Pack (≥ 8.3.24) which are compatible with older releases of the JEE Analyzer extension

If upgrading the JEE Analyzer extension or CAST AIP is not possible, please contact CAST Technical Support



Performance has been improved in this release. Sample applications show a reduction in JEE analysis duration of up to 20%.

JFAMILY-1242: False positive for QR- Avoid Web Server pages having a very low Comment/Code ratio

  • Before this fix, HTML and JSP style comments in JSP files were being counted as code lines for LOC computation.
  • After this fix, HTML and JSP style comments in JSP files no longer contribute to the code lines count for LOC computation
  • Therefore, LOC is expected to reduce for JSP files following an upgrade to this release of the extension and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code

The example code below shows the behaviour in this release of the extension: the number of code lines is 10 while the number of comment lines is 8:

Sample JSP
<!-- 1. This is an HTML comment
     2. This is an HTML comment  -->
<% java.util.Calendar currDate = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();
   // 3. This is a single line comment
   int month = currDate.get(currDate.MONTH)+1;
   int day = currDate.get(currDate.DAY_OF_MONTH);
   int year = currDate.get(currDate.YEAR);
   /* 4. 
      5. This multi-line comment is inside a JSP scriptlet
      6. */
<%-- 7. Display the date
     8. in month/day/year format --%>
The current date is: <%= month %>/<%= day %>/<%= year %>

Resolved Issues

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryImpact?
JFAMILY-132918963Error while running analysisAfter upgrading to JEE Analyzer-1.0.21, analysis completes without any error.
JFAMILY-124215678False positive for QR- Avoid Web Server pages having a very low Comment/Code ratioFalse positives have been fixed. LOC is expected to reduce for JSP files.
JFAMILY-131318904Java Analysis crashed with warning Unknown ExceptionAnalysis will not crash with an unknown exception.
JFAMILY-108916799Security score dropped post migration due to new violations in rulesFalse violations impacting score have been fixed.
JFAMILY-121211816Analysis stuck 5h 30mn resolving declarations for the same (short) fileVarious performance tweaks in links management.
JFAMILY-91314949 Cannot resolve 'rs' as package or type in package '' from package Resolution warnings for JAX-RS are reduced.
JFAMILY-1317 18808 Java analysis warning: Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATIONAccess Exception is fixed.
JFAMILY-1274 17368 PORT AIPCORE-22 from 8.2.x to 1.0.x - Avoid using Fields (non static final) from other Classes- False Violation -