This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23 are compatible only with the latest releases of the JEE Analyzer extension, i.e. 1.0.28 and 1.2.10-funcrel. Using older releases of the extension with these CAST AIP Service Packs risks incomplete analysis results (missing objects, links, violations, erroneous FP values) for JEE and C++ analyses.

Therefore, when using CAST AIP Service Packs 8.3.20 - 8.3.23, please either:

  • Upgrade your JEE extension to a compatible release (i.e. ≥ 1.0.28 or ≥ 1.2.10-funcrel) OR
  • Upgrade CAST AIP to a more recent Service Pack (≥ 8.3.24) which are compatible with older releases of the JEE Analyzer extension

If upgrading the JEE Analyzer extension or CAST AIP is not possible, please contact CAST Technical Support


JFAMILY-1208 - Add bookmark for qr : 'Avoid String concatenation in loops' and 'Avoid throwing an exception in a catch block without chaining it'

In the current release of the extension, book marks have been added for the following rules 'Avoid String concatenation in loops' and Avoid throwing an exception in a catch block without chaining it'. The bookmark helps to highlight the code.

Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryImpact
 JFAMILY-1063  16436Warning MODULMSG; Job execution JAVA044: Syntax not recognized :No syntax error will be displayed
JFAMILY-106916645Permanent fix: Issue occurred while computing URL pathNo error displayed while computing URL path
JFAMILY-109716842JSF Input Field is generating lot of empty transactionsEmpty functions have been excluded from the JSF field entry points
 JFAMILY-110917051Permanent Fix: Warnings seen for Java Analysis which doesn't have anything apart from '-'Detailed error message will be displayed
JFAMILY-120917825All the violations coming up for Close database resources ASAP are false +ve

False violations have been removed