This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
27481Missing Angular Resource services
27128HTML5 Get HTTPRequest Object Deleted in current run


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26452Service objects should be created when url contains a filename extension (.html, .jsp...) on parameters side of the url.



HTML5 and JavaScript 2.0.19 is now in LTS (Long Term Support).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
25371JavaScript: Too many wrong links between JavaScript objects.
25503HTML analysis warning: HTML5-005 Internal issue in parsing one statement.

Other Updates

Javascript diags must be computed on html, jsp.. files.
Many missing violations for "Avoid using forEach()" diag.
Javascript libraries or tests must be skipped.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24781HTML5 missing resource service object when src attribute with iframe tag is used.
24807Missing links between HTML5 POST service operation to Struts Operation.
24586HTML analysis: missing resource service object due to which link is not created to struts operation.
24732HTML analysis warning: HTML5-005 Internal issue in parsing one statement.
25060Missing link between jsp page and js function.
Callee TypeCaller TypeDetails
Javascript functionsAllEnhancements on links found through "module.exports" (HTMLVJS-680, HTMLVJS-689, HTMLVJS-689).
AllAllWhen the directory "dist" is mentioned as include in a file, it is redirected to "src" directory. (HTMLVJS-679).

Other Updates

feedback.js file must not be skipped as a library and PaxHeader folder must be skipped
Analysis was stuck on some full parsings (infinite loop).
HTML files containing """ should be skipped because libraries.
XHTML files must be managed as jsp files to avoid duplicated LOC.
folders "tests" and files "*.test.js" must be filtered.
Filter on prototype.js must be removed and other filters must be added (files containing "" or "").
Do not create resource services with "about:blank" as url.
Remove "<%= ... %>" from resource services urls.
src\assets\Ignite UI\js\extensions\igniteui-angular.js (and others) should be filtered in filter.json.
HTML5 extension is deleting too many links at application level (caller or callee with ObjTyp 1000007: UA files).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
21278LoC is displayed as 0 for JSP files when analyzed though AIP console and no java files are present
23238Extension HTML5/Javascript draws an access read link to the parent file whenever encountering key word window in a JS method
23463Missing Html5 Post HttpRequest Service which in turn results in missing links to Struts Operation.
23860Inconsistencies between "Avoid undocumented Classes" and "Avoid Classes with a very low comment/code ratio"
23430Missing links between two HTML JS function
23412HTML analysis crash: Extension com.castsoftware.html5 has encountered an issue
23662Missing links between two HTML JS function
23898Analysis is failing with error "Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow"

Other Updates

& inside <script> in jsp
Service call through WLResourceRequest
Resolution enhancements
URL used in JSP files will be found in properties files
Update links positions which are on whole object to the first character.
Bug in request(type, url) form of superagent framework
Many web service objects created pointing to same line of code source
.NET web support removed and managed by .NET Web services
Do no create resource services when url points to a html and .jsp file.
HTMLVJS introduces a new techno, but does not configure it for APO (and CED) : COST_CONFIG_DATA must be initialized in a .pck
Support of data binding between ASPX files and .NET methods (VB and C#)
An http resource should not appear with an existing ASPX file as url

New Support

Support of scss filesSupport of scss files


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
22648HTML warning: ANGULARJS-005 Internal issue parsing child statement
22769HTML5-004 Internal issue creating Request
22996HTML5-005 Internal issue in parsing one statement

Other Updates

Linux support
Missing 1 character for bookmark on CallPart
Missing callLink between operation and handler function
Support of "data-*" in razor.
Razor support enhancement
Missing webservices (url evaluation enhancement)
Support of assignments with brackets on the left side


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
7388FALSEFalse violations with diag "Avoid artifacts having recursive calls"
1020084FALSEFalse violations with diag "Avoid unreferenced Functions (Javascript/HTML5)"



As a direct consequence of a fix (HTMLVJS-620) implemented to improve LOC values for .jsx files, the global LOC value could increase for some JavaScript applications and all ReactJS applications.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
221880 LOC count for .jsx files

Other Updates

Identifier Internal fullname is wrong when identifier name starts with "this.something."


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020454FALSEAvoid using React dangerouslySetInnerHTML violation raised for commented code.
7156TRUEImplementation of "Avoid Too Many Copy Pasted Artifacts"


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
17858Incorrect description for rule "Avoid unreferenced Functions (Javascript/HTML5)"
21433False positive Avoid hardcoded passwords (Javascript)
21596HTML5 Warning - HTML5-005 Internal issue in parsing one statement
21853com.castsoftware.html5 has encountered an issue : RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded and analysis stuck at js file
19770Computing metrics on main.css does not end
21804Wrong HTML5 function objects created that point to variables

Other Updates

Additional libraries excluded from analysis by default. The following libraries are now excluded from analysis by default using filters.json. Upgrading to this release of the extension and running a new analysis with unchanged source code will impact your results (less lines of code, less objects and potentially less violations if the violations were on found in these libraries): adapt-strap api-check atomic-core blowfish chart css3pie enquire es6-shim feedback hbs jasmine jqgrid jquery.inputmask jquery-mobile jsonform lazysizes livepipe mobiscroll ngFlowchart pickadate prism rgraph swagger tealeaf timeline tv4 velocity yui
Some bugs in string evaluations concerning callers positions stack
Support of recursivity for item access in object value for evaluation
Exception in resolution


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020058FALSEUpdated the rule Documentation for "Avoid using eval() (Javascript)"

Performance Improvements

HTMLVJS-597 - Improve big file analysis


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
20702Issue in the log file: AttributeError: 'HtmlContent' object has no attribute 'parent

Other Updates

Update rules documentation
Cannot compute metrics on ... for file mespeak.full.js
Issue in the log file: TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
All files starting with the name "Vue.js v" (such as Vue.js v2.6.11) are excluded from the analysis.


Other Updates

Update rules documentation
Better resolution of html tags under <script> tags
Evaluations of ObjectValue (technical)


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
17834HTML5 technology not defined for the "Reuse by call distribution"
19771HTML5 analysis getting stuck during analysis for some JS files
19773Javascript fragments are not analyzed in html
20039LOC count decrease due to a crash in HTML5 analyser

Other Updates

Support of dynamic function names ex: async ARTICLE_EDIT {} where ARTICLE_EDIT is a variable with value "editArticle"
Improved HTML parsing
Rule "Avoid blocking page loading with synchronous Javascript import" gives no violations on dashboard for jsp files.
Support evaluation string interpolation methods: Array.join([separator]) and String.concat()
Wrong link and missing link from jsp to javascript functions


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020102FALSEUpdate the rule description "Always use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify with try/catch block (Javascript)"
1020004FALSEUpdate the rule description "Avoid using querySelectorAll"
1020050FALSEUpdate the rule description "Avoid white-listing the "dirname" attribute in user generated content"
1020040FALSEUpdate the rule description "Avoid using delete with no object properties"

New Support

Support of falcor librarySupport of falcor library
Support of AWS Amplify library for REST API callsSupport of AWS Amplify library for REST API calls
Support of .vue, .yaml filesSupport of .vue, .yaml files


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
19221Missing resource service objects from JSP files should be generated by HTML5 analyzer which leading missing link between JSP to JAVA
18721False detection of CAST-AIP rule "Avoid using Javascript Function constructor"
18441Missing HTML5 POST/GET Resource due to struts-nested tag

Other Updates

Add resolution from call to a class
Files located in local_modules directory are no longer analyzed (NodeJS libraries).
HTML5-001 Internal issue analyzing jsp file: category.jsp could not be parsed.
Expecting links from jsp to spring mvc operations
Calls of functions unlinked
HTML5 throws warnings like "Problem when converting user defined extensions"
Resolution of incorrect parsing with expressions inside parentheses. Many new links may be resolved New functions can appear. Some previously incorrect links will be removed for code where prefix of function calls are between parentheses (see example below). Before correction, there was a call link to a split function if such a function existed in code because the parenthesised expression was not seen, example: (string_expression).split() Some evaluations have been improved due to better resolution of this type of code (see example below). Before correction, "hcall()" was not replaced with "{}": url = fcall() + "part1" + hcall() + "part2";


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020000FALSEAvoid Artifacts with High Cyclomatic Complexity (HTML5/Javascript) has wrong associatedValueResultType in metric tree


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
16211Call from jsp thanks to jstl c:url call

Other Updates

Problem with evaluation, some urls were wrongly evaluated.
Problem with parsing: a function is not analyzed
Problem with parsing when 2 functions are defined, separated by a "," instead of a ";"
Incorrect evaluation of URL: support of parentheses expressions.
Problem with bookmark end positions for AnyExpression
Exception in javascript resolution
Module exports are not detected, resolution was not correct when "module.exports" was before the function it points to.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
102008FALSEFalse Violation for HTML5 Object and incorrect total checks for the QR "102008: Avoid Artifacts with lines longer than X characters".


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
17770BFP not calculated for HTML5 technology

Other Updates

Better warnings in log file
Problem of parsing with async methods
BackFired Function Point ratio is now computed
Libraries dogox and dijiit excluded


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020058FALSETitle of the rule changed to Avoid using eval() (Javascript)

New Support

Support of .yml filesSupport of .yml files


Other Updates

Non-resolved query parameters in HTML5 Post XMLHttpRequest service
Better url management when simple quotes were present instead of double quotes in xml attributes.
Get proper url when method is specified within a "struts-tags" taglib
Do better management with unclosed tags in html files


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020104TRUEAvoid hardcoded passwords (Javascript)


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
16727HTML5 analysis running improved performance
17218"Plugin has encountered a problem" warning for HTML during "Run extensions at app level" step

Other Updates

Evaluation issue on SIM
Do not create resource services corresponding to empty urls
Non-filtered resolution of JavaScript function calls with multiple files
Missing web service from <jsp:forward ...>
Missing url from "form" element in .jsp files
Missing links from jsp to struts


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
16850New HTML5/JavaScript extension is inserting meaningless information into the object fullname

Other Updates

Sanitize url extraction from "form" element in .jsp files
Remove useless URL calls
Resources are no longer created when url is on a file which exists in the analysis (ex: jsp files, html files, and ico files).
New Object Fullnames


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
16703Wrong bookmark for an Http service.
16698Link to Request service does not come from the right object.

Other Updates

Correction on call links to request services. Sometimes, caller was not the right object.
Correction on objects/links positions in html and jsp files




Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
16457Minor correction on HTTP Request Service which were not found in jsp files.
16703Correction on cyclomatic complexity and length of longest line. Before correction, these metrics were wrong because, for a function including a function, the complexity and length of longer lines of the sub function were added to those of the main function. Therefore results may be impacted after upgrading to this extension release and performing a post upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code.
16698Minor correction on entry-point definition.

Other Updates

Minor correction on misleading "file skipped" messages in log file when analyzing typescript files (extension *.ts)

New Support

Support of file extensions manually added in CAST Management StudioAny files delivered with these custom extensions will be analyzed as .html, .jsp or .js file depending on the detection made by the analyzer.
JSPX files automatically analyzed*.jspx will now automatically be taken into account during the analysis. These files will be analyzed as .jsp files. Therefore, after an upgrade to 2.0.3 and the generation of a post–upgrade snapshot on unchanged source code, results may be impacted if your delivery contains these file types.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
15988Reference pattern (eFile to Bean) is not working in CAST AIP 8.3.6

New Support

JSF (.jsf and .jsff) files automatically analyzedThese files will be analyzed as .jsp files. Therefore, after an upgrade to 2.0.2 and the generation of a post–upgrade snapshot on unchanged source code, results may be impacted if your delivery contains these file types.
Jade files automatically analyzedUpdates has been made to support the IBM EAD4J Jade framework


New Support

Infragistics, MicrosoftAjax, raphael, morris, wysihtml5, chosen libraries automatically skippedThe following libraries are now skipped : infragistics, MicrosoftAjax, raphael, morris, wysihtml5, chosen
config libraries from node.js are properly taken into account for string evaluationWhen json files are present in a config directory with data initializations, these files are used for string evaluation when the 'config' library is referred to through "require" statement.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
15806HTML5-001 internal issue analyzing jsp files
15703Perm fix: Missing links between javascript components
15611Missing HTML5 get HTTPRequest Service
15469Extension com.castsoftware.html5 has encountered an issue because of checksum saving
15340Missing link from HTML5 JSP Content to HTLM5 post HttpsRequest service
15286HTML5-005 Internal issue in parsing one statement
15131HTML5 analyzer should create an object (HTML5 POST request service)
15130Missing links between HTML5 JSP Content to Spring MVC Operation
14887Perm fix: Cyclomatic complexity of HTML files is incorrect
15105HTML5 analyzer should create an object (HTML5 POST request service)
14751REACTJS-001 Internal issue
14391HTML Files are not getting analyzed
14311False positive is coming for rule "Avoid unreferenced Functions" (1020084)
15510False positive is coming for rule "Avoid unreferenced Functions" (1020084)


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020084FALSEFalse positive is coming for rule "Avoid unreferenced Functions"

New Support

Support export function parserThe analyzer will now recognize the "(param)" in "require('f1')(param)" as a function call.
Support node-fetch annotations to call webserviceSupport node-fetch annotations to call webservice
Support requireJS framework for global resolutionThe following code is now supported: define(['dep1', 'dep2'], function (dep1, dep2) { //Define the module value by returning a value. return function () {}; });
Support require() for any expressionThe analyzer will now correctly identify the node.js file and all "require()" are supported.
Support of index.js files which are referenced by default through require statementsThe analyzer will recognize that this refers to an index.js file in the "db" folder, if db.js does not exist: var db = require('../db');


Other Updates

Log enhancement (adding the information about why a specific file is skipped).


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1020102TRUEAlways use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify with try/catch block (Javascript) try/catch block (Javascript) -;&#124;2.0.0-beta4

New Support

Support of jsp:plugin annotationHandled in .jsp files in order to have links to applets introducing two new objects HTML5 Applet class reference and J2EE HTML5 Applet


Other Updates

Cleaning and refactoring of HTML5 resolution.


Other Updates

Cleaning and refactoring of HTML5 resolution.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
14007async javascript functions are not analyzed
14233HTML Files are not getting analyzed

New Support

Support of async function
Support of JadeJade is one of the default HTML templating system working with Node.js: