This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
25566Error: Unsupported major.minor version 52.0. The gradle discoverer is compatible with the version 8.3.11 or higher.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24974Gradle discoverer can not find Gradle projects if Apply from has URL.
25018Discovery in DMT fails with error.

Other Updates

Manage the case that the .gradle file is a URL.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24131Gradle discoverer 1.0.0-beta71000397 can not find Gradle projects if "Apply from" has URL.
23982DMT alerts indicate missing Gradle dependencies even though the libraries are present


Other Updates

Errors in the beta 7 version of Gradle Extension. Impact: Errors are resolved now and projects are discovered as expected.
Not discovering projects again. Impact: The scenario is handled and projects are now discovered.
Issue with packaging and getting an error. Impact: The error is resolved now and packaging is successful.


Other Updates

Gradle DMT logs to be improved. Impact: Gradle discoverer will now log the details of ignored Gradle project/module as Warning.
Gradle projects are not considered. Impact: The project is discovered with proper source Directory reference. It now resolves the source Directory using extra property defined for project.
Gradle extension does not discover the build.gradle files if the Java plugin is located in the <all projects> tag. Impact: Gradle extension now parses the allProjects {} tag and reads Java plugin if present inside build.gradle file.


Other Updates

Support multiple modules. Impact: Gradle discoverer will now discover the multi module Gradle project and create analysis unit for each module. It will resolve the dependencies defined in external Gradle files as well.
The Gradle Project is not discovered and Discovery step error. Impact: Gradle projects are now discovered with no error.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
20803Gradle 1.0.0-beta4 discovery crashes - index out of range. Impact: After upgrading to 1.0.0-beta5, Gradle discoverer does not crash for the new use cases encountered in external properties parameter.


Other Updates

More test cases are added for the Gradle project parsing.
Gradle discoverer stuck in DMT generate step. Impact: Dependencies were not shown correctly in the Gradle project. After the fix, dependencies are shown correctly without any raw data.


Other Updates

Manage dependencies: In the previous version of Gradle project discoverer extension, external dependencies were not managed so missing project alerts were produced. Impact: If we add Maven resource in the same version, it manages the external Maven dependencies to resolve missing project alerts for a particular source. Hence, missing alerts are not produced.
Handle plugins block while discovering the java Gradle project. Impact: For Gradle source a new use case is added for the plugins applied in the project.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
18651Gradle project not discovered from root folder. Impact: Discovers all non empty Java projects.

Other Updates

Selected project name is as file name "build.gradle". Impact: Displays correct project names.
Delete the projects which has no java source files. Impact: Skips empty Java projects.
This extension should only discover java projects not any other type. Impact: Discovers only java projects.


Other Updates

Error during the discovery.
No project discovered for MBL app.
DMT discover Gradle crashes the entire delivery folder. Impact: 1.0.0-alpha2 covers most of the Gradle applications while discovering.