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Target audience:

CAST Administrators

Summary: Information and Release Notes about the Git File Extractor 1.0.x for the CAST Delivery Manager Tool. This extension is a file extractor.

Extension description

This extension provides the means to extract source code from a Git repository. In other words, file based source code that does not reside in a simple local or network folder. This extension is similar in function to the extractors for SVN and TFS that are provided "out of the box" in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.

In what situation should you install this extension?

This extension should be used when you want to extract file based source code that is stored in a Git repository.

Technical information

  • The extension does not contain a source code "discoverer" (to determine the type of source code project) and therefore relies on other discoverers that are already installed in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to do so.
  • This extractor supports only a local Git repository. The URL format must be a local folder such as C:/[path]/.git. For remote repositories (http/https), clone the contents on your local disk and then use the extractor.

Supported GIT hosting sites

  • GitLab
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • RocketGit

CAST AIP compatibility

This extension is compatible with:

CAST AIP release

Download and installation instructions

Please see: 

  • This extension contains a File extractor and you should take note of the specific instructions in the installation guide that explains how to package your source code with the CAST Delivery Manager Tool when you have an existing Version.
  • The latest release status of this extension can be seen when downloading it from the CAST Extend server.

Extension interface

The following screen shots show the differences in the product when the extension is installed:

  • In the CAST Delivery Manager Tool a new entry called "GIT Repositories" will be added to the Add Package wizard:

  • When selected the above item provides the following screen with the GIT local repository option already selected:

  • The Package Configuration tab then offers the following interface to access your GIT repository:

1Enter the direct URL for your Git repository in the form C:/[path]/.git
2Choose the revision you would like to extract. By default the HEAD revision is chosen.
3Tick the Credentials option if the Git repository requires authenticated access.