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Git 1.3.1

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescription
EXTGIT-91- Unable to Access GITHUB repository, SSL Exceptions are thrown
EXTGIT-9313320Git URL does not connect when launched DMT from Cast-MS error:org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException
EXTGIT-94- Unable to Discover Package : Error during .project file parsing. The format may not be supported, the file may be corrupted or it may not be an eclipse at all. The project is ignored: JSP_MVC
EXTGIT-96 17048

GIT Browser never ends for big application

Git 1.3 LTS

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescription

Regression: Unable to extract folders from remote repository.


Not able to extract source code using branchname for https connection.


Extraction doesn't happen when local repository is in a revision state.


Wrong deployment location for extracted specific folder.

Git 1.3

New features

  • EXTGIT-69: If the Revision and Branch options are both used, then the Revision option will always override the Branch option.

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescription

GIT Extractor : when the name of the branch has "/" character, it is not extracted


Extension Git - Extraction never ends due to clone of folders


GIT Extension for DMT: GIT DMT Extension connects but keeps on replicating the parent dir in the "Choose folders to extract" window


Problem - GIT local/remote 1.2 plugin not extracting expected source


When both revision number and branch specified, branch content overrides revision content, while it should be opposite.