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Fortran 1.0.2


Log improvements for the Fortran Preprocessor

  • Improvements have been introduced with regard to the log files that are produced during an analysis of Fortran code with the extension. Specifically, the logs produced by the Fortran Preprocessor have been improved in this release of the extension.

Fortran Preprocessor

  • The ability to manually launch the Fortran preprocessor has been removed from the extension. The preprocessor is always launched automatically.

Resolved issues

Fortran 1.0.2 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases. The following table lists all bugs fixed in Fortran 1.0.2 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

R&D IDDescription

<Extension Name> Technology Extension Version.txt should not be part of extension


Fortran extension log mechanism does not handle migration\update correctly


Manual Preprocessor should not be given as part of package

FORTRAN-15Update Launch.bat in order to return an error code when preprocessing fails
FORTRAN-13Have the log of preprocessor of extension in same location indicated CAST MS preferences

Fortran 1.0.1

Resolved issues


Fortran 1.0.0
