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Entity Framework 1.4.4 is released as an LTS (Long Term Support).

Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDDescriptionImpact

Snapshot is throwing an error in Computing Step, when loading the TCC configuration file. 

snapshot generation - Could not load Configuration from file E:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.entity.1.4.3-funcrel

No error when loading DotNet_Entity.TCCSetup



Entity Framework 6 and Entity Core namespaces are now supported.

Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDDescriptionImpact
ENTITYFRAM-417-The link Not found between the Datalayer of ENTITY CORE to the other LAYERS of the FULLSTACKAnalysis results are much accurate.


Resolved issues

Internal ID

Ticket ID



ENTITYFRAM-42315920Same end points are coming 2 times in TCC from standard kitBoth are giving same number of end points and coming from kit. Can not delete any of them.



The name of the extension as displayed in CAST Extend has been updated from ".NET Entity Framework Support" to ".NET Entity Framework". In addition, the icon used in CAST Extend has also been updated.


Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDDescriptionImpact
ENTITYFRAM-405-Wrong entity wrapper are getting created in the dotnet core projects.

Entity Wrapper objects are now created only when:

  • They are linked to a database table.
  • The class name and DB table name are same.



The release introduces support for Entity Framework Core 1.x and 2.x. Entity wrapper classes for entities will be resolved and links to corresponding tables will be created.

Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDDescription
ENTITYFRAM-406-Missing links between the entity wrapper class and the database.

Avoid entity wrapper creation for designer files: entity wrapper objects will no longer be created for designer files. This resolves issues with regard to duplicate object warning messages seen in the analysis log.