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Functional Release

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Function Release:


Some links between objects are unexpected

ENTITYFRAM-375Add default .TCCSetup configuration file

Beta 5

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 5:


EDMX files not analyzed

ENTITYFRAM-364Statement used in the logger.Information has been analyzed as Entity Wrapper Type object in .Net analysis 

Beta 4

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 4:

APLWPF-118Exception encountered while parsing files

Warnings "Extension com.castsoftware.entity has encountered an issue". Entity objects not analyzed


[CAST Apps assessment project]: Entity Extensions has encountered an issue

Beta 3

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 3:


Entity Framework extension encounters an issue when permission is denied for the files or folder in the source.

Beta 2

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 2:

ENTITYFRAM-309Improvement of log messages from plugin

Beta 1

The following table lists all bugs fixed in Beta 1:

ENTITYFRAM-281The Wrapper object is not available anymore.

Fix for all dot plugin objects at the same level while searching in enlighten.