This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Other Updates

EGL analyzer no longer supports Oracle or SQL Server as Storage Service.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1005034FALSEParameters for QR "Avoid having SQL Records without a naming convention" have been changed to "First Character Option 1", "First Character Option 2", "First Character Option 3" from just "First Character" for all three.
1005020FALSEWeight for "Avoid old VAGen Compatibility statements (EGL)" has been changed to 1.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26825Upgrade fails for EGL extension with error


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
25088Missing links to tables from EGL files.
24844Preprocessing failed for EGL analysis.
24778Missing Functions inside EGL file due to problem with the language pattern file.

Other Updates

Add Master Files
false violation for "Avoid SQL query outside try-on block (EGL)"
preprocessor prints debug messages in non-debug mode
Preprocessor does not respect debug flag

EGL 1.0.4


Improvements to rule parameters

A change has been made to the parameters available for the rule "1005034: Avoid having SQL Records without a naming convention (EGL)". Previously, this rule used three identically named parameters called "First Parameter". To avoid confusion, these three parameters have now been renamed as follows:

  • SQL Record name first character option 1
  • SQL Record name first character option 2
  • SQL Record name first character option 3

Following an upgrade to EGL 1.0.4 there is no impact to analysis results due to this change.

Resolved issues

EGL 1.0.4 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases. The following table lists all bugs fixed in EGL 1.0.4 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionComment
EGL-4411421EGL Analysis - Warnings Unable to find the object end for type 'EGLFunction'

This bug fix means that the analyzer is able to identify the end of an object in a much more reliable way. As a direct result of this, following an upgrade to EGL 1.0.4 and the generation of a new snapshot on unchanged source code, you may find that the results of the following rules change:

  • 1005086 - Avoid functions having creator to prefix table names in SQL statements and in SQL records (EGL)
  • 1005062 - Avoid Artifacts with a Complex SELECT Clause (EGL)
  • 1005028 - Avoid Functions with High Cyclomatic Complexity (EGL)
EGL-5011690False Violation on "Avoid SQL query outside try-on block"As a direct result of this fix, following an upgrade to EGL 1.0.4 and the generation of a new snapshot on unchanged source code, you may find that the results of the rule "1005068 - Avoid SQL query outside try-on block" change: there may be less false violations providing improved accuracy.
False violation for "Avoid Artifacts with Subqueries (EGL)"As a direct result of this fix, following an upgrade to EGL 1.0.4 and the generation of a new snapshot on unchanged source code, you may find that the results of the rule "1005066 - Avoid Artifacts with Subqueries (EGL)" change: there may be less false violations providing improved accuracy.

EGL 1.0.3


Log improvements for the EGL Preprocessor

  • Improvements have been introduced with regard to the log files that are produced during an analysis of EGL code with the extension. Specifically, the logs produced by the EGL Preprocessor have been improved in this release of the extension.

EGL Preprocessor

  • The ability to manually launch the EGL preprocessor has been removed from the extension. The preprocessor is always launched automatically.

Predefined CAST Transaction Configuration Center setup file

  • Delivered with this extension is a .TCCSetup file for use in the CAST Transaction Configuration Center. This file provides predefined Data Entities and Transaction Entry Points.

Resolved issues

EGL 1.0.3 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases. The following table lists all bugs fixed in EGL 1.0.3 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

Internal IDCall IDDescription
Have the log of preprocessor of extension in same location indicated CAST MS preferences

Update Launch.bat in order to return an error code when preprocessing fails

Manual Preprocessor should not be given as part of package

EGL : Prepro log file message "[Warning]: My files are " to be removed

EGL extension log mechanism does not handle migration\update correctly

<Extension Name> Technology Extension Version.txt should not be part of extension

Include the default TCC configure files into the product

EGL 1.0.2


Improvement for pre-processor log file: In all previous releases, manual and automated pre-processor operations generate a report log file called "EGL_pp_report.txt" under \Configuration\Languages\EGL\prepro. This file is overwritten each time the pre-processor is launched, therefore it is not possible to retain a history of the various pre-processing operations carried out for different analyses. To improve this behavior, we have introduced new variable in the "launch.bat" file to define the number of report log files to be retained. The pre-processor report log file will now have the date and time added as a suffix to the file's name (e.g "EGL_pp_report_02-23-2015_ 651.txt") to avoid the file being overwritten.

  • The value "last_number_of_reports_to_keep" is declared in the "launch.bat" file
  • The default value of "last_number_of_reports_to_keep" declared in the "launch.bat" file is set to 10, i.e. only 10 preprocessing report files will be retained. On generation of  eleventh file, the oldest report log file will be deleted and a new file will be created in its place keeping the total count to 10 log files.
    • the default value can be changed as and when required
    • if the value is set to "-1", all the report log files will be retained
    • If value is set to "0", no new report file will be created and all other existing files will also be deleted
  • The behavior is the same for manual and automated pre-processing

Resolved issues

EGL 1.0.2 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases. The following table lists all bugs fixed in EGL 1.0.2 and that are not already fixed in the previous released versions:

Internal IDCall IDDescription
SCRAIP-566228006EGL: EGL version supported by UA COE 6.5 is unknown
EGL: False violation for QR "Avoid programs not having the property I4GLItemsNullable set to NO (EGL)"
EGL: False violation for QR "Avoid having V60ExceptionCompatibility property set to NO (EGL)"
EGL: "Rationale" and "Description" needs to be corrected for QR "Avoid using Programs having textLiteralDefaultIsString property set to NO (EGL)"
EGL: Parameter is missing for the QR "Avoid having Records without a naming convention (EGL)"
False violation for "Avoid using Programs having textLiteralDefaultIsString property set to YES (EGL)"
EGL: Parameter is missing for the QR "Avoid having Programs without a naming convention(EGL)"
EGL: "Rationale" for QR "Avoid Programs with a very low comment/code ratio (EGL)" is incorrect.
EGL: Rationale needs to be improved for QR "Avoid programs not having the property allowUnqualifiedItemReferences set to YES (EGL)"
EGL: Parameter is missing for the QR "Avoid having SQL Records without a naming convention (EGL)"
SCRAIP-399629309Discrepancy between the old and new rule
SCRAIP-68691015.project files in the java source creates egl AU

EGL 1.0.1

Resolved issues

EGL 1.0.1 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases.

EGL 1.0.1 also contains various fixes for issues found preventing compatibility with CAST AIP 7.3.3.

EGL 1.0.0


Resolved issues

EGL 1.0.0 contains all bug fixes from all previous releases. No client reported bugs have been fixed in this version.