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CAST supports CouchDB via its com.castsoftware.nodejs extension. Details about how this support is provided for Node.js source code is discussed below.



Node.js CouchDB database

What results can you expect?

Some example scenarios are shown below:

node-couchdb module

Database creation "myDatabase"

const NodeCouchDb = require('node-couchdb');
// node-couchdb instance with default options 
const couch = new NodeCouchDb();
dbName = 'myDatabase';

couch.createDatabase(dbName).then(() => { }, err => {
    // request error occured 

useSelectLink from code to database "myDatabase"

	couch.get("myDatabase", "some_document_id").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
	    // data is json response 
	    // headers is an object with all response headers 
	    // status is statusCode number 
	}, err => {
	    // either request error occured 
	    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document is missing 
	    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if statusCode is unexpected 

useInsertLink from code to database "myDatabase"

couch.insert("myDatabase", {
    _id: "document_id",
    field: ["sample", "data", true]
}).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response 
    // headers is an object with all response headers 
    // status is statusCode number 
}, err => {
    // either request error occured 
    // ...or err.code=EDOCCONFLICT if document with the same id already exists 

useUpdateLink from code to database "myDatabase"

couch.update("myDatabase", {
    _id: "document_id",
    _rev: "1-xxx"
    field: "new sample data",
    field2: 1
}).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response 
    // headers is an object with all response headers 
    // status is statusCode number 
}, err => {
    // either request error occured 
    // ...or err.code=EFIELDMISSING if either _id or _rev fields are missing 

useDeleteLink from code to database "myDatabase"

couch.del("myDatabase", "some_document_id", "document_revision").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response 
    // headers is an object with all response headers 
    // status is statusCode number 
}, err => {
    // either request error occured 
    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document does not exist 
    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if response status code is unexpected 

couchdb module

Database creation "myDatabase"

var myCouchDB = require('couch-db').CouchDB,
    server = new myCouchDB('http://localhost:5984');
server.auth(username, password);
var db = server.myDatabase;

useInsertLink from code to database "myDatabase"

// new document 
var doc = db.testdb.doc({});
    name: 'place.css',
    content_type: 'text/css',
    data: 'body { font-size: 12px; }'
}, {
    name: 'script.js',
    content_type: 'script/javascript',
    data: 'window.onload(function() {})'
}]).create(function(err) {

useInsertLink from code to database "myDatabase"

Connector "couch-db"
db.destroy(function(err) {
    // create a new database 
    db.create(function(err) {
        // insert a document with id 'jack johns' 
        db.insert({ _id: 'jack johns', name: 'jack' }, function(err, body) {
            if (err) {
                console.log('insertion failed ', err.message);
            // body will like following: 
            //   { ok: true, 
            //     id: 'jack johns', 
            //     rev: '1-610953b93b8bf1bae12427e2de181307' } 

useUpdateLink from code to database "myDatabase"

var doc = db.testdb.doc({});
// open to get revision or assign revision to the document {
    doc.attach('plain.css', 'body { font-size:12pt; }', 'text/css');
    // save the doc, rs) {
        var plain = doc.attachment('plain.txt');
        // retrieve attachment 
        plain.get(function(err, body) {
            assert.equal(body, 'body { font-size:12pt; }');
            // update 
            plain.update('body { font-size:14pt; }', 'text/css', function(err) {
                plain.get(function(err, body) {
                    assert.equal(body, 'body { font-size:14pt; }');