This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Performance Improvements

Correction of CPP-346 C++ extension execution at application level takes too long


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
24685Incorrect links to Cast-Sytem objects leading to false violations


Other Updates

Missing violations for "Avoid using 'enum' types as operands for arithmetic contexts" while using & or &= with enums
False violation for "Avoid performing conversion from a function pointer to any other type (C/C++)" for GetProcAddress
False violation for "Avoid performing conversion from a function pointer to any other type (C/C++)" for MFC standard macros
Missing violation for "Avoid calling virtual method from constructor\destructor"
False violation for "Avoid using 'enum' types as operands for arithmetic contexts"


Other Updates

Constructors and destructors are detected as "C++ Function" with name ending with "@ctor" and "@dtor" respectively. In case, if/when class definition is not found, constructors and destructors would be named as @ctor and @dtor respectively. Analyzer log will contain following message in this scenario: Definition for ‘<class name>’ not found. ‘@ctor\@dtor’ would be detected as 'C++ Function'.
Incorrect object detection when unresolved macro is used inside struct\class
False violation for lambda for "Avoid having a method call or additional expressions in a statement using "" or "--" operators (C/C)"
Missing violation for _tmain for "Ensure that there is at least one exception handler to catch-all otherwise unhandled exceptions in the main function(C++)"
False violation for _tmain for "Avoid using catch all"
False violations for QR "Avoid testing floating point numbers for equality"


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1065084TRUEAvoid performing conversion from a function pointer to any other type (C/C++)
1065086TRUEAvoid casting and converting a pointer type to an integral type (C/C++)
1065090TRUEAvoid using 'enum' types as operands for arithmetic contexts
1065092TRUEAvoid having boolean operators with non-boolean operands (C/C++)
1065094TRUEAvoid having expressions with bool type to be used as operands on operators other than =, &&, ||, !, ==, !=, the unary & operator, and the conditional operator
1065096TRUEAvoid dynamic_cast to convert current object to its derived class from its constructor or destructor
1065098TRUEAvoid delete operators to exit with an exception
1065100TRUEAvoid move constructor and move assignment operator to exit with an exception
1065080TRUEAvoid using C-style and functional notation casts (C++)
1065082TRUEHandlers of a function-try-block implementation of a class constructor ordestructor shall not reference non-static members from this class or its bases


Other Updates

CASTONCAST: access violation while parsing template. NOTE: As a result of this fix, objects and links may increase. Also, as the files are not be skipped, analysis time may increase.
CASTONCAST: access violation while parsing function declaration. NOTE: As a result of this fix, objects and links may increase. Also, as the files are not be skipped, analysis time may increase.
CASTONCAST: False violation for "All if … else if constructs shall be terminated with an else clause (C/C++)" if else is not delimited by {}
CASTONCAST: False violations for "Avoid non-void return type function without an explicit return of an expression (C/C++)". NOTE: In certain cases, constructors and destructors were detected as C++ Function instead of constructors and destructors. In such cases, false violations was displayed. This has been fixed.
CASTONCAST: False Violation for "Ensure Switch statements have at least 2 case clauses (C/C++)" with nested switch
CASTONCAST: False violation for "Avoid missing default in switch statements" with nested switch
Run-time exception while parsing struct when macro used in struct is not resolved. NOTE: As a result of this fix, objects and links may increase. Also, as the files are not be skipped, analysis time may increase.
CASTONCAST: False violation for "Avoid using "sizeof" on expressions that contain side effects" when using C++ version of _countof


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1065066TRUEAvoid having a method call or additional expressions in a statement using "+" or "--" operators (C/C+)
1065068TRUEAvoid using Digraphs (C++)
1065070TRUEAvoid using Trigraphs
1065072TRUEAvoid using Unions
1065074TRUEAll constructors that are callable with a single argument of fundamental type shall be declared explicit.
1065076TRUEAvoid declaring data members in non-POD classes as public or protected
1065078TRUEA base class shall be declared virtual only if it is used in a diamond hierarchy