This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34467An unexpected exception occured while loading project xxxxx Sequence contains more than one matching element.
31602Net warning: DOTNET.0156: An unexpected exception occured while loading project Net 5.
31022False violation for rule (rule id: 8110): Use dedicated stored procedures when multiple data accesses are needed.
33194Even when version 4.8 is installed, following message: "Required framework version is 4.8 but version 4.7.2 will be used instead" is displayed.

Other Updates

Moving CommandData.json files raised an exception, when running the analysis a second time.
Generated .json files are analyzed incorrectly by the HTML5 and JavaScript extension, and this analysis leads to invalid results. After the fix, the generated .json files are stored in the LISA folder instead of the deployment folder hence they do not get analyzed by the HTML5 and JavaScript extension.
The exception "PathTooLongException" is not caught hence the analysis is stopped with the DOTNET.0156 warning. With the fix, the exception is caught, and the analysis continues without any warning message.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
8108FALSEThe rule "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime" has been modified to reduce false positive violations by excluding streams in constructor arguments of classes inheriting from IDisposable.
8110FALSEFalse violation for rule “Avoid not using dedicated stored procedures when processing multiple data accesses” is removed. Now the rule uses dedicated stored procedures when multiple data accesses are needed.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
29725Transaction are deleted due to missing dll file reference: compilation conflicts between extractions and references
33077Missing Reference to Datarow even though the dll is present causing GUID changes between versions
33518Missing Reference to Datarow even though the dll is present causing GUID changes between versions

Other Updates

General Protection Fault crash on code "QUAL_SACS".
False positive on rule: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime" with some methods of classes File and Stream.
Update the analyzer, to provide a list of the .NET frameworks managed by default in a .json file.


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
8108FALSEFalse positive on rule "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime" with some methods of classes File and Stream.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
30747Drop in FP, due to changes in .NET TCCSetup file.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28876.NET Analysis crash --- com.castsoftware.dotnet.1.3.1-funcrel\DotNetCmd.exe exited with code -1073741571

Other Updates

TCC config delivered by .NET extension is referring to package="Dotnet_Extension" instead of package="Base_DotNet".


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1027008FALSEFalse violation for "Always Revert After Impersonation" on stored instances of classes implementing IDisposable.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28888Modified Transactions due to links alternating to objects with same fullname in different folders.
28054False violation (rule id: 1027012): "Avoid storing Non-Serializable Object as HttpSessionState attributes".
29262The rule (rule id: 8156): "Persistent classes should implement GetHashCode() and Equals()” should not apply for Entity Framework.

Other Updates

"System.Threading.Task" should be exception to the QR (rule id: 8086): "Avoid types that own disposable fields and are not disposable".


Rule IdNew RuleDetails
1027012FALSEFixed false positive due to wrong resolution of symbol (compiler error BC30560)
8156FALSEFixed false positive due to rule formerly applied to entities of EF
8086FALSEFixed false positive due to rule formerly applied to "System.Threading.Task"


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
27654DOTNET.0156: An unexpected exception occurred while loading project xxxx. Project excluded from analysis.
25822False Positive in the QR: "Avoid having lock on this object".
27762False positive in the QR: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime". Close the outermost stream ASAP.
28018Objects not coming part of module causing transactions to be "Deleted"
26749ASPX Transactions deleted
24427Wrong Violations in the rule: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime" in .NET
26766False violation in the QR: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime".
28276False positives produced in the QR: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime".
27617Objects not coming as part of module is causing transactions to be "Deleted".

Other Updates

False positives for the QR: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime" when the syntax, "using declaration" is used
Correct bookmark for the QR: "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime"


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26236Aspx Source File Object has reduced due to object being external
24396No SQL QR are triggered for links that are created between C# objects and SQL Analyzer objects when links are grep



.NET Analyzer - 1.2.9 is now in LTS (Long Term Support).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
23232Missing link from client objects to SQL Script subpackage object

Other Updates

DOTNET.0142: Dependency System.Xml not found
Resolution impossible with 3rd party NuGet packages versionned with -beta2
DOTNET.0150 for symbols already defined in ressources.fwe - case of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
Analysis crashes in connection less mode and prevent launch of no regression test
Missing warning when recursive dependent package are missing


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
21878Analysis of .NET application blocked during Run_CSV_generation with .Net Analyzer 1.2.3-funcrel due to Lambda expression
24329Defects are duplicated for .Net violations in dashboard
24260DOTNET.0012: Could not load assembly ACME.Enterprise Library.

Other Updates

Getting warning in .net log for "Error BC30002 Type is not defined"
Adding .NET SOAP operation/service as default entry point for TCC
All blackbox files are loaded regardless of APPLICATION_NAME with AIP 8.3.17 and .NET Analyzer 1.2.1-funcrel
Some objects within "external " source code are marked as "internal".


Resolved Issues

Following issues are resolved in this release of the analyzer.

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-986-Non Regression Tests setup for .NetAfter the fix, Non Regression Tests runs fine, irrespective of the number of times it is run.
DOTNET-997-Random failures of Non Regression Tests for .Net due to random projects execution

Random order of projects during execution is fixed.

DOTNET-1005-NRT Failures when xaml files are present in Test app

The fix handles the differences between the multiple analysis' on same version caused due to generated Files of .Net.

DOTNET-1094-NullReferenceException during devirtualizationException is fixed.


Resolved Issues

Following issues are resolved in this release of the analyzer.

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-91320646Massive increase in warnings mainly of the type GUID duplicate found : CAST_DotNet_ClassExternal after upgrading extension.

Regression fixed, but few GUID duplicate warnings are remaining.

DOTNET-965-Uncaught exception while processing target EntryPoint

Exception does not occur anymore.

DOTNET-969-SSL in .Net extensionA change has been implemented in preparation for the future support of encrypted SSL connections to CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL.
DOTNET-97122353DOTNET.0156: An unexpected exception occurred while loading project

The exception was occurring when the .NET analyzer was installed in a folder containing spaces characters. The issue is fixed.

DOTNET-98122535Analysis of XXX.csproj has failed. An unexpected error happened leaving the analysis in an unknown stateException does not occur anymore.
DOTNET-988-CS0433 errors related to extractions

These errors were related to two conflicting extraction, errors removed.

DOTNET-990-On local functions we get the warning: DOTNET.0020: Error while processing visitor: MethodBodyVisitor

This error was occurring on local functions with the arrow syntax. We do not generate any more CASTIL code for these local function until some other fixes on lambdas.

DOTNET-99522791DOTNET.0156: An unexpected exception occurred while loading projectException does not occur anymore.
DOTNET-99622793.NET analysis is failing with warning: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in pathException does not occur anymore.



New technology support

This extension now supports:

  • .NET Core 3.1, implicitly also supporting:
    • ASP.NET Core 3.1
    • WinForms and WPF for .NET Core
  • .NET Standard 2.1

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-974-create_link call crashing with entity 1.4.4 extensionThe analyzer no longer crashes
DOTNET-984-get_inherited_types() method is broken

In Python extensions the method get_inherited_types() was not working for some base types, depending on the analysis configuration. This is now fixed.



Packages.config file support

This extension now supports 'packages.config files' which gives more accurate analysis (less messages in DOTNET.0150 and DOTNET.0151).

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-899 -SQL injection target methods for C/S links is not aligned with User Input Security requirement and needsImproved accuracy for User Security Input analyses.
DOTNET-937-Support of conditional member access syntaxThe analyzer no longer crashes.
DOTNET-940 -.Net 1.0/1.1 analysis fail with warning DOTNET.0155: Unrecognized format of project file .NET 1.x projects may be analyzed again.
DOTNET-947 21787 .NET analysis is failing with several warnings in the analysis log and hence links not created between the artifactsA NullReferenceException was occurring in an attempt to draw a devirtualization link in a lambda as a field initializer. The link is now created from all constructors of the class.
DOTNET-948 -DOTNET.0020: Error while processing visitor: AvoidStreamResourceLeaks, AlwaysRevertImpersonationNo more crash with message DOTNET.0020.



.NET Core and ASP.NET Core support

This extension now supports:

  • .NET Core 3.0
  • ASP.NET Core 3.0

QR name of the rule '8108' is revised

Earlier name of '8108': Close outermost stream ASAP
Current name of 8108': Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-86519708 False positive for .net rule "Close outermost stream ASAP" , now "Avoid missing release of stream connection after an effective lifetime"

Before the 'null conditional operator' was not recognized and false violations were displayed. After the fix, 'null conditional operator' is handled hence no false violations displayed.

DOTNET-92521127.Net analysis is frozenAn infinite loop was occurring during the analysis. After the fix, the analysis completes successfully.
DOTNET-92621198 .NET Analyzer 1.2.2 funcrel - Unable to analyze complete code

While loading projects, analysis was crashing. After the fix, analysis does not crash. 

In the future if any exception is raised during the load of project, only projects failing to load will be excluded from analysis.

DOTNET-92921245 AIP_CONSOLE OnBoarding : All C# classes are not analyzed.

A crash was occurring when the target framework of a project was an empty string. The crash is fixed.

After the fix, incase of an empty string we select the default framework version (which is the highest framework version supported).


Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-296-Support of C#7 and VB :: tuple syntax

New links are created and the user input security will go through the instructions using tuples.

DOTNET-902 -Fix required for 4 DOTNET.0020 warnings in analysis log file

Under specific conditions, a crash could occur during the analysis of the web services. Due to this some methods were not recognized as web methods. After the fix, the crash does not occur. 

DOTNET-907-Some recursive package dependencies are not found

Some recursive dependencies were not found and interoperability between system frameworks were not taken into account resulting in missed package dependencies.

Missing package dependencies may have impact as: missing links toward external objects and less accurate user input security.

The issue is fixed after the upgrade. 

DOTNET-909-Missing objects expected from Edmx files

Edmx files are now saved as additional documents of a project, allowing extensions to leverage that information.

DOTNET-917 -Crash during computation of diag Avoid weak encryption key size

After the fix, crash does not happen hence no missing violations.


Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-611-Invalid CASTIL generation for ASP.NET pages

After upgrading, intermediate CastIL code related to web forms (.aspx) and web controls (.ascx) is now generated correctly for the User Security Input. Therefore after an upgrade to this version of the extension and the generation of a post upgrade consistency snapshot, results may change: more User Input Security related violations may be identified.

DOTNET-612-Missing devirtualization links when type instantiations are involvedDevirtualization links are now created properly in the context of type instantiations. Therefore after an upgrade to this version of the extension and the generation of a post upgrade consistency snapshot, results may change: more accurate transaction information will be produced.
DOTNET-869-Missing type conversion calls for the CastIL generation via RoslynImplicit calls to ToString() methods were not generated in CASTIL (for dataflow). Therefore after an upgrade to this version of the extension and the generation of a post upgrade consistency snapshot, results may change: more User Input Security related violations may be identified.
DOTNET-887-Violations are missing in AED when compared with 1.0.14 extensionViolations were not reported on Page_Load methods in a web application. Therefore after an upgrade to this version of the extension and the generation of a post upgrade consistency snapshot, results may change: increased number of violations producing greater accuracy.
DOTNET-896 -Missing dependency toward netstandard.dll facade may cause name resolution errorsName resolution errors are fixed. 
DOTNET-897 -Resolution errors because of dependencies added twiceName resolution errors are fixed. 


Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-784-"C# Property" objects are "synthetic", but their children (setters and getters) are internalA change has been made to the status of certain objects resulting from .NET analyses. The following objects are all now considered as "generated code" when required:
  • accessors of generated files
  • event fields

Previously, these objects were not considered as "generated code" and therefore violations found in them were included in grade and violation counts. After an upgrade to 1.2.0-funcrel and the generation of a post upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, results may be impacted due to this change: grades may change due the non-inclusion of violations caused by these objects. In addition, other metrics may change such as the total number of violations and Line of Code count (generated objects do not contribute to these).

Finally, the Engineering Dashboard will now report identical values for the total number of all violations in the Risk Model tile and in the Application Components tile.

Error while processing visitor: MethodBodyVisitorIn 1.2.0-funcrel a change has been made to display a warning message instead of an error message:
  • Previously: "Error while processing visitor: MethodBodyVisitor"
  • In 1.2.0-funcrel: "DOTNET.0103: An exception occurred while generating code for method {method mangling}"

The consequence of this change is that previously the generated code for the entire file was lost (skipped due to the error), however, now the generated code is lost only for the specific method mentioned in the warning message.

Error while processing visitor: LinqToSQLVisitorAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-funcrel, warning message is not displayed.



Support added for DbDataAdapter in CAST Transaction Configuration Center

The .TCCSetup file provided in the extension has been configured to recognize End points for DbDataAdapter.

Dependencies in nupkg files not taken into account

Nuget package may have some dependencies toward other packages (specified in the nupec file). We should take these dependencies into account to include them as dependent packages.

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-83319400Crash in .Net analyzerAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-beta5, .Net analyzer does not crash due to duplicate Keys in dictionaries.
DOTNET-78018569Analysis warning: DOTNET.0020:Error while processing visitor: NumberOfBreaksInForLoopsAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-beta5, you will not get false warning message related to NumberOfBreaksForLoops
DOTNET-82519152Receiving false positives reporting dead code for code that is in use

This issue has been fixed by disabling the rules listed below. These rules often produce a significant number of false violations thereby reducing their usefulness. These rules are multi-techno and are embedded in AIP Core, therefore they are only disabled specifically and only for .NET technologies when using CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.16. As a result of this change, results may be impacted - no violations will be triggered for any of these rules, therefore potentially impacting grades and existing results:

 Devirtualization should create a link to all overrides at leastAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-beta5, .Net analyzer creates a link to all overrides when devirtualization of a call do not find a single link.



Support for Xamarin.Forms in CAST Transaction Configuration Center

The .TCCSetup file provided in the extension has been configured to recognize Entry points for Xamarin.Forms and End points for SQLite. And thus Transaction can now be seen in CAST Transaction Configuration Center.

Single warning for each unresolved type

A single warning is now displayed in the log file for each unresolved type.

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-80819086,19229Snapshot error - ‘Error while executing Procedure’After upgrading to 1.2.0-beta4, no error is displayed. 
There should be fatal error instead Warning message "Analysis failure, could not load a type. The following assemblies could not be loaded as well:"After upgrading to 1.2.0-beta4, fatal error message is displayed instead of warning message.
DOTNET.0020:Error while processing visitor: WebServiceVisitorAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-beta4, no error while processing "WebServiceVisitor"
FALSE VIOLATION FOR RULE- "Close the outermost stream ASAP"Methods returning streams will not be considered for violation. After an upgrade to the current version of the extension and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot, results may changed for this rule - less false violations providing more accuracy.
Workaround for "Nupkg files exclusion in Nuget packaging"

Xamarin.Forms libraries were not getting referenced as while packaging Files and folders starting with '.' or ending with '.nupkg' are excluded by default. This problem is solved by shipping the '.nupkg' as '.castpkg'.

DOTNET-819 17666 FALSE VIOLATIONS FOR "Avoid improper processing of the execution status of data handling operations"

The current rule is not violated in the below cases:
Either empty catch blocks, catch blocks with comments only, or only write to a stream are violating the rule. Appropriate logging or other treatment of exception are said to be valid. 



The MAV2 metric "Length of the longest line" has been removed for .NET related analyses as a consequence it will no longer appear in the object properties list in CAST Enlighten.

Resolved Issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-779-CASTONCAST: snapshot fails with ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "dss_objects_pk"

The snapshot failed due to a duplicate checksum for certain objects (when shared projects were present in the sources). This has now been fixed and the snapshot will complete correctly.

DOTNET-708-When both the iOS and android and UWP application are present in the same solution not finding the Xamarin referenceMissing links to framework dependencies for Xamarin projects will now be created
DOTNET-577-DOTNET.0048:Error while loading XML documentDocumentation updated to clarify scenario of an empty configuration file in project
DOTNET-709-Not finding the Xamarin reference for the WatchOS App, can find the Xamarin WatchOS reference in web configMissing links to framework dependencies for Xamarin projects will now be created
DOTNET-783-EOF counted as line of codeThe EOF is no longer counted as a line of code, therefore a change in the number of lines of code is to be expected after upgrade to this release.



New feature

  • Support for .NET Core 2.2: The .NET Analyzer now analyzes the code that uses .NET Core 2.2

New rule

The following rule has been added in this release - see:||1.2.0-beta2


Avoid storing Non-Serializable Object as HttpSessionState attributes

Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-621-Bug in the quality rule "avoid instantiations inside loops"

No false violation message

The creation of an object to be added to a collection that has a life cycle longer than the loop should be not considered as a violation.

DOTNET-745-Regression: Snapshot failed with ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "dss_objects_pk"There were 2 CRCs saved on some objects, now there is only 1 CRC.
DOTNET-763 18245LOC increase post migration

The analyzer was previously including empty lines in the lines of code (LOC) value therefore producing an erroneous value for this metric. This bug has been fixed (blank lines are no longer included in the LOC value) and therefore after an upgrade to the current version of the extension and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source code, the LOC value will reduce.


Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-71817275FALSE VIOLATION FOR RULE- Close the outermost stream ASAPAfter upgrading to 1.2.0-beta1: No false violation for the rule - Close the outermost stream ASAP. Upgrading to 1.2.0-beta1 will affect the analysis results.



New rules

The following rules have been added in this release - see||1.2.0-alpha2:

1027004Avoid using deprecated XmlTextReader .NET API
1027008Always Revert After Impersonation
1027010Avoid weak encryption providing sufficient key size (.NET)

DOTNET-682 - Adopt Roslyn 3.0

The .NET Analyzer now uses the Roslyn 3.0 compiler/analyzer which brings a first level of support for:

  • C# 8.0
  • VB.NET 15.8
  • Visual Studio 2019

DOTNET-724 - PostgreSQL connectivity

A change has been implemented to introduce a connectivity layer compatible with PostgreSQL 10 and 11.



In order to use the .NET Analyzer extension for analysis purposes, the .NET Framework ≥ 4.7.2 must be installed in order for the analysis to function. A check will be done when the analysis starts and a message will produced if the minimum .NET Framework cannot be found. See also Required third-party software in .NET Analyzer - 1.2.


Xamarin support

First level of support for Xamarin (links to Xamarin API objects will be resolved) for:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • TvOS
  • WatchOS
  • UWP

New rules

The following rules have been added in the this release - see||1.2.0-alpha1:

1027000Avoid Managed type declaration for Win32 API using Overlapped IO
1027002Avoid exposing methods that use Platform Invocation Services to access unmanaged code

New icons for CAST Enlighten

A new set of icons has been provided for display in CAST Enlighten.

Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDDescriptionImpact?
DOTNET-67316172False positive for rule 'Avoid using Keywords' for 'C# Property Set' and 'C# Property Get'After an upgrade to 1.2.0 and then generation of a new snapshot on unchanaged source code, results of the rule Avoid using Keywords' for 'C# Property Set' and 'C# Property Get' may be impacted: less false violations providing greater accuracy.