Summary: information about the Report generation option available in CAST Imaging ≥ 2.7.0.


The Report generation option provides the means to export a variety of raw data to CSV, XLSX, and JSON - available reports are listed below:

Note that the reports may take a long time to generate if the current application is very large.

Data Sources

Relation between Objects And Data sources

For all links between objects and data sources (i.e. tables/views) available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Object File Name
  • Data Source Name
  • Data Source Full Name
  • Data Source Type
  • Access Link Type (Use, Access, Reylon etc.)

Relation between DB tables And DB objects

For all links between database tables and other database objects (such as procedures) available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • DB Table Name
  • DB Table Full Name
  • DB Object Name
  • DB Object Full Name
  • DB Object Type,
  • Access Link Type (Use, Access, Reylon, Refer etc.)

Relation between Data sources and Transactions

For all data sources (i.e. tables/views) available in the application, information about the transactions they are involved in is provided:

  • Data Source Name
  • Data Source Full Name
  • Data Source Type
  • Transaction Entry Name
  • Transaction Entry Full Name
  • Transaction Entry Type
  • Access Link Types (Use, Access, Reylon, Refer etc.)
  • Object File Name

Number of Transactions per Data source

For all data sources (i.e. tables/views) available in the application, information about the number of transactions they are involved in (helping identify loosely coupled or highly coupled data sources) is provided:

  • Data Source Name
  • Data Source Full Name
  • Data Source Type
  • Access Link Type
  • Total (links)


Relation between Transactions And Objects

For each transaction available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • Transaction Entry Name
  • Transaction Entry Full Name
  • Transaction Entry Type
  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Object Role in Transaction (startpoint/endpoint)
  • Object File Name

Relation between Transactions And Data sources

For each transaction available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • Transaction Entry Name
  • Transaction Entry Full Name
  • Transaction Entry Type
  • Data Source Name
  • Data Source Full Name
  • Data Source Type
  • Access Links Count (number of times the data source is accessed)
  • Access Link Type (Use, Access, Reylon etc.)
  • Object File Name

Transaction's Complexity

For each transaction available in the Application, the following complexity related information is provided:

  • Transaction Entry Name
  • Transaction Entry Full Name
  • Transaction Entry Type
  • CC (Cyclomatic Complexity) value
  • IC (Integration Complexity) value
  • EC (Essential Complexity) value
  • Total object count value
  • LoC (lines of code) value
  • Object File Name

See How Complexity metrics are calculated by CAST AIP for more information about the complexity values provided.


Most referenced Objects

For each object available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Object File Name
  • Module Name
  • References Count (this value corresponds to the number of objects calling the object)

Most referenced Data Objects

For each database object available in the Application, the following information is provided:

  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Number Of Calls (this value corresponds to the number of objects calling the object)


Relation between Modules

Lists all links (and their type) between any modules available in the Application. The following information is provided:

  • Source Module Name
  • Source Object Name
  • Source Object Full Name
  • Source Object Type
  • Target Module Name
  • Target Object Name
  • Target Object Full Name
  • Target Object Type
  • Link Type
  • Object File Name

Relation between Modules and Transactions

Lists all transactions available in the Application and the Module they are attached to. The following information is provided:

  • Module Name
  • Transaction Entry Name
  • Transaction Entry Full Name
  • Transaction Entry Type
  • Object File Name

Module's Complexity

For each module available in the Application, the following complexity related information is provided:

  • Module Name
  • CC (Cyclomatic Complexity) value
  • IC (Integration Complexity) value
  • EC (Essential Complexity) value
  • Total object count value
  • LoC (lines of code) value
  • Object File Name

See How Complexity metrics are calculated by CAST AIP for more information about the complexity values provided.

Relation between Modules and Objects

Lists all objects available in the Application and the Module they are attached to. The following information is provided:

  • Module Name
  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Object File Name

Lines of Code Per Technology Artifact

Provides line of code (LOC) information per technology artifact type. The following information is provided:

  • Object Type
  • Technology
  • Object Count
  • Lines Of Code

Added/Modified objects within the application compared to the previous version

Provides information about all the added/modified objects within the application compared to the previous version. The following information is provided:

  • Object Name
  • Object Full Name
  • Object Type
  • Object Status
  • Object File Name
  • Number of Callers Added
  • Number of Callers Unchanged
  • Number of Callers Modified
  • Number of Callees Added
  • Number of Callees Unchanged
  • Number of Callees Modified

Note that the count of callers/callees (Modified/Added/Unchanged) is determined by the value of the status property of the caller/callee objects during the application import process.

Accessing the option

The Report option is available in the top left action menu all scopes and at all levels:

When clicked, the following dialog box is displayed:


Choose the type of data you would like to generate a report for:

  • Data Sources > Objects, Database objects, Transactions
  • Transactions
  • References
  • Application > Modules, Transactions, Objects

Will flash blue indicating that the chosen report is being generated. Also shows the queue of reports waiting for generation (and their generation status) when multiple reports are requested at the same time (or one after the other):

Closes the dialog box.


Click to choose the report output format:

  • CSV
  • XLSX
  • JSON

As soon as you click the chosen output format, the report will be generated and automatically downloaded in your browser:

Technical notes

  • Reports are generated in a batch of 100,000 records to improve performance.
  • For XLSX reports, 1 million records are added per sheet in the Excel file.
  • For JSON file reports, if there are more than 100,000 records, then the JSON report will not be structured.