
When a module contains a very large number of objects (for example you have configured one module for the entire application - a Full Content module - see Application - Config - Modules) CAST Imaging can sometimes fail to load the module, i.e. it will timeout before all the objects are correctly loaded. This issue manifests itself with the following error "Failed to get graph data" or "Failed to get Transaction list":

If you are facing this issue, you can modify two configuration files to lengthen specific feature timeouts which should allow all objects to be loaded correctly. You may need to experiment to find a value that works in your environment.

You should set the timeouts for all files listed below to the same value.


Edit the configuration files

The following configuration files need to be edited:

Microsoft Windows traditional installer
%APPDATA%\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice\imagingservice.json ≥ 2.17
%APPDATA%\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice\imagingservice.bat ≤ 2.16

Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping/installing the extension):

Microsoft Windows via traditional installer

These files are located in the protected %APPDATA% location, therefore you must open the file with elevated permission (this is usually achieved by right clicking your text editor in the Windows start menu and selecting Run as administrator):


You may need to use elevated permissions to edit these files (for example use sudo).

imagingservice.bat / imagingservice.json / server\app.config

Edit these files and add a new line "LOGGER_TIMEOUT=" with the time out value listed in seconds. If the line already exists, increase the value to your required setting. For example to set the time out to two minutes (120 seconds) add the following and then save the file:

Microsoft Windows traditional installer, ≥ 2.17, imagingservice.json:

    "APP_CONFIG": "C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Roaming\\CAST\\ImagingSystem\\imagingservice\\app-config.json",
    "PORT": "9000",
    "NEO4J_USERNAME": "neo4j",
    "NEO4J_PASSWORD": "imaging",
    "NEO4J_IMPORT_PATH": "C:\\ProgramData\\CAST\\ImagingSystem\\Neo4j_data\\import",
    "TOKEN": "D5ED6A406775FC71B8D2A978883E8ED4",
    "LOG_PATH": "C:\\Program Files\\CAST\\ImagingSystem\\logs\\",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
    "AUDIT_TRAIL": true,

Microsoft Windows traditional installer, ≤ 2.16, imagingservice.bat:

imagingservice.exe -APP_CONFIG "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice/app-config.json" ^
                   -PORT 9000 ^
                   -NEO4J_USERNAME "neo4j" ^
                   -NEO4J_PASSWORD "imaging" ^
                   -NEO4J_BOLT_ENDPOINT "" ^
                   -NEO4J_IMPORT_PATH "C:/ProgramData/CAST/ImagingSystem/Neo4j_data/import/" ^
                   -TOKEN "D5ED6A406775FC71B8D2A978883E8ED4" ^
                   -LOG_PATH="C:\Program Files\CAST\ImagingSystem/logs/" ^
                   -LOG_LEVEL=info ^

Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping/installing the extension), server\app.config:

    "PORT": "9000",
    "NEO4J_USERNAME": "neo4j",
    "NEO4J_PASSWORD": "imaging",
    "NEO4J_BOLT_ENDPOINT": "neo4j:7687",
    "ETL_ENDPOINT": "etl:9001",
    "TOKEN": "D5ED6A406775FC71B8D2A978883E8ED4",
    "NEO4J_IMPORT_PATH": "/opt/imaging/imaging-service/upload/",
    "LOG_PATH": "/opt/imaging/imaging-service/logs/",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "debug",
    "APP_CONFIG": "app-config.json",


Edit this file and add a new line as follows PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT= with the time out value listed in seconds. If the line already exists, increase the value to your required setting. For example to set the time out to two minutes, add the following and then save the file:

proxy_redirect     off;
proxy_set_header   Host $host;
proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
proxy_read_timeout 120s;

Restart services

When the configuration files have been edited, restart the relevant services to ensure that the change is applied:

Microsoft Windows:

  • CAST Imaging - imaging-service
  • CAST Imaging - Frontend service

Linux Docker:

  • server