Resolved issues
Internal ID | Ticket ID | Summary | Affects Version/s |
IMAGSYS-1221 | 20221 | Comments button disabled in levels 1 - 4 (see also User Guide - Working with inserts or comments). | 1.8.0 |
IMAGSYS-1219 | - | Fix animation issue on change of level dropdown | 1.8.0 |
IMAGSYS-1218 | - | Improve dropdown performance for transactions | 1.8.0 |
Resolved issues
Internal ID | Ticket ID | Summary | Affects Version/s |
IMAGSYS-1089 | 19583 | Imaging Extraction is taking long time and failing due to space issue | 1.7.x |
IMAGSYS-1166 | 19709 | Performance issue while importing an application | 1.7.x |
- | - | Attempting to perform an action in the UI while the nodes are being re-drawn will cause CAST Imaging to crash | 1.7.x |
License key requirement
CAST Imaging now requires a license key specific to CAST Imaging (in other words an AIP license key cannot be used). License keys can be obtained from CAST Support. Application data cannot be imported into CAST Imaging before a valid license key is accepted. You can find more information in Admin Center - License management panel.
Application data export/import process improvements
A new tool has been developed to replace the PowerShell export/import script - the tool is called etl-automation.exe and will export and import Application data into CAST Imaging in on go. You can find out more about this new process in Automation tool export and import process.
Ability to grant data access permissions to groups
When LDAP authentication mode is enabled (see Configure authentication) and assuming that the correct group search parameters have been configured, it is now possible to assign data access permissions to LDAP groups (previously this was only possible for LDAP users). This means that it is no longer necessary to assign data access permissions to a long list of users. Some rules apply:
- Users and Groups can be assigned access permissions. If a user is not specifically granted access to a given Application, but a group the user belongs to has been granted permission to the Application, the user can log in with their LDAP credentials and view the data.
- If an LDAP group is granted the ADMIN role, all members of the groups will have access to all applications, as well as to the Admin Centre.
- If a user is a member of multiple groups, and if one of those groups has been granted the ADMIN role, then the user will be granted the ADMIN role. If none of the groups have been granted the ADMIN role, the user will be presented with the list of applications that can be accessed by all of his/her groups ONLY, and no access to the Admin Center.
See Admin Center - Users panel.
Configure front-end web server to reverse proxy for multiple CAST Imaging instances
It is possible to configure a front-end web server (such as Nginx or Apache) to act as a reverse proxy for accessing multiple installed instances of CAST Imaging. For example your organization may have multiple instances of CAST Imaging and would like to access them with a simple URL as follows:
- https://imaging.mycompany.com/instance1
- https://imaging.mycompany.com/instance2
- https://imaging.mycompany.com/instance3
- etc.
See Configuring front-end web server to reverse proxy for multiple CAST Imaging instances for more information.
Ability to remove custom links
It is now possible to manually remove a link (previously this action was no permitted):
- between custom Object type nodes
- from custom Object type nodes to Object type nodes resulting from imported Application analysis data
- from Object type nodes resulting from imported Application analysis data to custom Object type nodes
See User Guide - Working with custom links.
Improvements to custom Object type nodes
Custom object type nodes added in level 5 will now also be visible in other levels. See User Guide - Working with custom Object type nodes.