Summary: this page provides an explanation about the CAST Extension Downloader.


The CAST Extension Downloader is a software application used in Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode bundled with CAST AIP. As its name suggests, it provides a convenient method for downloading extensions.

Where can I find the Extension Downloader?

The CAST Extension Downloader (ExtensionDownloader.exe) is part of CAST AIP Core and is installed by its setup. You can find it at the root of the CAST AIP Core installation folder.


Installed / Available / Updates

The options Installed / Available / Updates function as follows - clicking an option will refresh the content list (i.e. list of extensions):


This option displays all the extensions that have already been downloaded on to the local machine. Extensions are downloaded to:

You can modify the download location as described in Download an extension.
AvailableThis option displays all the extensions that are available on the CAST Extend server that have not already been downloaded to the local machine.
UpdatesThis option displays all extensions that are available on the CAST Extend server that are a more recent version of an extension that has already been downloaded to the local machine.

Preferences button

The Preferences button enables you to configure a new remote download server:

By default, various remote download servers will already be pre-programmed into the CAST Extension Downloader (as shown above). A tick in the check box next to the remote download server indicates that the server is being used (you can tick multiple remote download servers if necessary).

Adding a new remote download server

If you need to use an alternative CAST Extend server (such as CAST Extend Offline), then you can use this option to add it. Click New to add a new blank server - a new line will appear:

Select the blank server, and then enter the details for the new remote download server in the Name and Address fields:

The new server will be displayed in the list and will be ticked to indicate that it will be contacted.

Deleting an existing remote download server

To remove an existing remote download server:

  • Select the server and click the Delete button to remove it:

Toolbar options

The two check boxes provide the following display filtering options:

Latest versions only
Displays only the latest version of a given extension - in other words an extension will only appear once in the list and this will be the most recent version of it. For example: if versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 have been published on the server, only version 2.0 will be displayed.
Long term support only

Displays only versions that have been released with Long Term Support. For example: if long term support versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 have been published on the server as well as beta release 2.5, only 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 will be displayed.

See Release types for more information about the Long Term Support releases status.

Use the Search box to filter extensions by name in the display list. Any extensions containing the search string will be displayed.


If you are connecting to a server that requires authentication, you will be presented with a login window as a popup. Enter the corresponding account credentials (User Name/Password) and then click the Login button to begin the download.

Note that you will require an account on the remote server to authenticate when using CAST Extend. You can find out about registering for an account in CAST Extend website.

Extension information

When an extension is selected in the display list, information about the extension is shown as in the example above:

  • Author
  • Dependencies (any extensions which will be downloaded at the same time)
  • A brief description and a link to the documentation where applicable
  • Tags to aid search


Unable to resolve dependency

In some situations you may not be able to download an extension (an error will state "Error Downloading <extension> <version>"). Typically this occurs when the extension you are attempting to download has a dependency to another extension, which must be downloaded first. If this is the case, the command window (which opens up in the background when using Extension Downloader) will indicate which dependent extension needs to be downloaded to resolve the issue:


The CAST Extension Downloader (ExtensionDownloader.exe) can also function in command line mode as follows:

[--server <uri>]-

This option is used to specify either the server you want to connect to or a folder on disk which contains a .nupkg file. If you do not use this command (it is not mandatory), then the default CAST Extend server will always be used 

Remote Server

For example

Folder - note that this option is to be used if you have a raw .nupkg file that requires unpacking


[--username <username>]-

When connecting to a server that requires authentication (for example to download an extension (with the install option), use these two options to specify your credentials.

Note that you will require an account on the remote server to authenticate when using CAST Extend. You can find out about registering for an account in CAST Extend website.

[--password <password>]-

Use this option to produce a list of the extensions as follows:

availableThis option displays all the extensions that are available on the remote server that have not already been downloaded to the local machine.

This option displays all the extensions that have already been downloaded on to the local machine. Extensions are downloaded to:

Note that you can modify the download location as described in Download an extension.
upgradableThis option displays all extensions that are available on the remote server that are a more recent version of an extension that has already been downloaded to the local machine.
allThis option displays all extensions on the specified remote server, regardless of whether they have already been downloaded to the local machine or their CAST AIP version compatibility.


[--version <version>]


Use this option to specify an extension that you want to download on to your machine. Note that you may also need to specify the --username and --password options if the remote server requires authentication


This option allows you to specify a particular extension for download using its ID - this is a mandatory option. The ID of a CAST AIP extension always takes the form com.castsoftware.<name>, without any version numbers. You can determine the ID of an extension using the CAST Extension Downloader in GUI mode:

Note that the most recent versions of an extension's dependencies will always be downloaded alongside the extension, unless you are using the [--ignore-dependencies] option - see below.
[--version <version>]

This option allows you to specify a specific version of the extension for download using its version number. You can determine the ID of an extension using the CAST Extension Downloader in GUI mode:

This option is not mandatory. When not included, the most recent version of the extension you require will always be downloaded.

This option allows you to download an extension without any dependencies. CAST only recommends using this option if you understand the implication - an extension will not function correctly without its dependencies.

This option is not mandatory. When not included, the most recent versions of an extension's dependencies will always be downloaded.


[--version <version>]

Use this option to specify an extension that you have downloaded to your machine and that you now want to remove from your machine:

extensionIdThis option allows you to specify a particular extension for removal using its ID - this is a mandatory option. The ID of a CAST AIP extension always takes the form com.castsoftware.<name>, without any version numbers. You can determine the ID of an extension using the CAST Extension Downloader in GUI mode - see same option described above.
[--version <version>]

This option allows you to specify a specific version of the extension for download using its version number. You can determine the ID of an extension using the CAST Extension Downloader in GUI mode - see same option described above.

This option is not mandatory. When not included, the most recent version of the extension you require will always be deleted from your machine.

Note that:

  • removing an extension will only delete the extension files on the local machine. It does not remove the extension from any CAST AIP databases/schemas that it has been installed to.
  • removing an extension only removes the specific extension. Any dependencies are left on the machine as other extensions may require them.
  • removing an extension from your machine will cause the following log message to be displayed in CAST Server Manager when CAST AIP databases/schemas that use the extension are detected:
Extension com.castsoftware.test version : 1.2.0-funcrel is not present on this machine,
and some schemas are using it. Please use ExtensionDownloader to download it and rerun Servman.

CLI examples

List all extensions that are available on the remote servers defined in the %programdata%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\ServerList.xml file that have not already been downloaded to the local machine:

ExtensionDownloader.exe list available

List all extensions that are available on a specific remote server that are a more recent version of an extension that has already been downloaded to the local machine:

ExtensionDownloader.exe --server list upgradable

Download the most recent version of a specific extension on a specific remote server with authentication:

ExtensionDownloader.exe --server --username JHU --password xxxxxx install com.castsoftware.test

Download a specific version of a specific extension on a specific remote server with authentication:

ExtensionDownloader.exe --server --username JHU --password xxxxxx install com.castsoftware.test --version 1.2.0-funcrel

Download a specific version of a specific extension on a specific remote server with authentication and do not download any dependencies:

ExtensionDownloader.exe --server --username JHU --password xxxxxx install com.castsoftware.test --version 1.2.0-funcrel --ignore-dependencies

Remove the most recent version of a specific extension from the local machine:

ExtensionDownloader.exe uninstall com.castsoftware.test

Remove a specific version of a specific extension from the local machine:

ExtensionDownloader.exe uninstall com.castsoftware.test --version 1.2.0-funcrel

Unpack a .nupkg file on disk

ExtensionDownloader.exe --server D:\USER_DATA\Downloads install com.castsoftware.test

CAST Extension Downloader local cache

The CAST Extension Downloader automatically creates a local cache of downloaded extensions in the following location on the local hard drive:


As a result, if you attempt to use the CAST Extension Downloader without credentials (in CLI mode), or with incorrect credentials (CLI or GUI mode) and the requested extension has already been downloaded and is present in the cache, the extension will be copied from the local cache to the extension download location (%PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions).