This section provides a detailed description of the contents of the Types and Properties window within the CAST Architecture Checker. The Types and Properties window simply displays the contents of the CAST Meta-Model - a list of all possible object types and categories:
Any of the items listed in the window can be dragged over to the Model tab in the Main window and on to a Layer or Set to form part of the selection criteria.
Filter field
The Filter field allows you to enter character strings to "filter" the display of items in the window. Filtering is instant - i.e. it occurs as soon as any strings are entered in the field.
Show only application types
When selected, this option will hide all items that are not used by the current Application from the Types and Categories nodes. You need to be working in "online mode" for this option to function correctly - see Working online for more information. When not selected, all possible items that can be present in the Analysis Service are listed under the Types and Categories nodes.
This option is particularly useful as it narrows down the choice of items when you are creating a Layer or Set. The list of items that can be present in the Analysis Service is very long, so restricting the list to only those items relevant to the current Application can save time.
Identification, Types and Categories options
There are three root nodes in the Main window:
- Identification > use this to form your Layers or Sets. You can choose from object type, name, fullname, analysis unit name, module name and path.
- Types > lists all object types in the meta model. The list will only contain objects that are used by the current Application when the Show only application types option is selected.
- Categories > lists all Quality Rules and Measures. The list will only contain Quality Rules and Measures that are used by the current Application when the Show only application types option is selected.
Right click menu options
Right clicking an item in the Types or Categories nodes will offer you either of the following options depending on the node:
- View implementing categories
- View implemented types
Selecting one of these options will display a further dialog box that lists the matching items, for example, for the SQL Procedure type, you can see all the Categories that use this type: