On this page:
It is possible to modify the messages displayed in red described below. When a user logs in and the user is not authorized to view any data in the dashboard (for example a new user with no role and no data authorization assigned to it) a message is displayed as follows and further use of the dashboard is prevented.
When a user logs in and either the user name or password is incorrect, an error message is displayed:
Change these messages
To change these messages, first locate and open the following file in a text editor:
WAR 1.x Engineering Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\engineering\resources\urls.json Health Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\portal\resources\urls.json WAR ≥ 2.x Engineering Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\static\engineering\resources\urls.json Health Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\static\engineering\resources\urls.json ZIP ≥ 2.x - The file is located in a compiled JAR file located at the root of the unpacked ZIP. This JAR file will need to be unpacked to find the .json file and then repacked: <unpacked_jar>\BOOT-INF\classes\static\engineering\resources\urls.json <unpacked_jar>\BOOT-INF\classes\static\portal\resources\urls.json
Locate the following sections in the file:
{ "id": "login-invalid-user", "message":"You are not authorized to access any applications" }, { "id": "login-invalid-data", "message":"Sorry, username or password invalid" }
Now edit the "message" you want to change and add in your own message. For example, to modify the authorization message:
{ "id": "login-invalid-user", "message": "You are not authorized to access any applications - please contact your administrator." },
Following any changes you make, save the urls.json file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.